1) Organization of mobilization training and mobilization activities and control over their implementation by structural units of the Ministry's apparatus, educational institutions, health institutions, research institutions, centers, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - the body Ministry of Internal Affairs). 2) Ensuring interaction with the CEV and the NGU on mobilization, meeting the needs of the state's defense and protecting its territory from possible aggression, ensuring the functioning of the Ministry, vital activity and protection of the population in a special period and in order to prepare them for timely and organized transfer to functioning in the conditions of a special period. 3) Organization of mobilization training in the apparatus of the Ministry and the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as training of employees of mobilization units and employees on mobilization work. 4) Organization of development of the mobilization plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and relevant operational-mobilization documents on the transfer of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to functioning in the conditions of a special period. 5) Organization of registration of military servicemen and their reservation in the apparatus of the Ministry and control over the registration of military servicemen in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.