How to control the feeling of strong excitement?

The strategy for solving this problem is to postpone the excitement for the time allotted for this.

If you start recording in the glider the hours when you allow yourself to show excitement or accumulated anger, you will have a sense of control over the situation.

1. Set aside time for excitement.

First, select a specific time, post and duration of the time that consente a moment (how much time, time and duration of the meal);

Make this place special and comfortable so that nothing distracts you, it is important that this place is only for worries;

Choose a time convenient for you, but preferably long before bedtime.

2. Put aside the excitement for later.

As soon as you feel anxious, try to calm down and postpone that excitement for a scheduled time;

Write down on paper what worries you;

Realize that later you will have time to think about it, no need to worry about it now, there are things more important and pleasant than excitement.

3. Put aside the excitement for later.

Focus on the present moment and plans for the day, this will help get rid of the hassle, until the time you set aside for excitement arrives;

In the end, determine what is the most important and the best of what you can do right now.Do something practical, positive, or proactive immediately.

4. Spend time worrying about benefits for yourself.

When the “time for excitement” comes, settle down more comfortably in your chosen place;

Pay attention and reflect on those anxieties that you have written down in a notebook during the day.