Law enforcement officers of Ternopil region investigate criminal proceedings on the fact of obstructing the legal professional activity of journalists
Law enforcement officers of the Borshchiv police department are investigating criminal proceedings for obstructing the legal professional activity of journalists.
On November 25, at 13:21, the line “102” received a message from the operator of one of the central TV channels that a conflict had arisen between the film crew and employees of the Borshchiv District State Administration. In particular, according to the applicant, two persons yanked the microphone from the journalist's hands, probably damaged the camera and deprived the journalist of his liberty by locking him in the office.
“The nearest outfit of the patrol police response team arrived at the scene in six minutes,” says the head of the Borshchiv police department Andrey Svinarchuk. - At that moment the conflict was exhausted. During the inspection, it became known that a dispute arose between the journalists of the TV company and the RDA employee and her son. The film crew performed the editorial task and prepared the material for the broadcast.”
According to journalists, they went to the office of the head of one of the departments of the district state administration. After asking about non-payment for services, the son of a civil servant pushed outside the operator's office, and the journalist was locked inside and did not let go.
During the inspection, it turned out that neither the journalist nor the operator received bodily injuries, the property was also intact. According to representatives of the TV channel, the only thing damaged by the participants in the dispute is a video file recording of the conflict itself.
Instead, the civil servant says that the film crew that broke into the office did not appear, but immediately began to raise questions about the non-payment of services to the operator. The official forbade herself to film and showed the journalist a receipt in the amount of 2,800 hryvnias, transferred for the work done.
The causes and consequences of the conflict will be clarified by law enforcement officers. This fact is entered in the ERDR in accordance with Article 171, part 3 of the Criminal Code. The investigation is ongoing.
Department of communication of the police of Ternopil region