Police detained a group of intruders for trying to set fire to a shop and cafe in Dnipro

17.06.2021 14:37

Three residents of Kamensky with the help of a flammable mixture tried to set fire to two premises located on Alexander Pole Avenue in the city of Dnipro.

The report of the crime was received by the police on June 15 at around 4 am. As it turned out, the attackers threw a bottle of flammable substance into the window, after which there was smoke in the cafe. CCTV cameras recorded how the arsonists on the car drove away from the crime scene.

Employees of the criminal police of the Dnieper district police department with the strong support of the police regiments of the special purpose police detained three residents of the city. Kamianske 19-20 years after the attempted arson of a shop located next to a cafe.

Law enforcement officers seized from the detainees a pistol, an RGD-5 grenade with an UZRGM ignition, a shell of an F-1 grenade, rough records with a diagram of the location of the facility and the adjacent territory, a plastic container with an unknown substance and other material evidence.

On June 16, investigators informed the men about the suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 2 of Art. 15, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 194 (intentional destruction or damage to property) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of three to ten years. The investigation is ongoing.

Department of communication of the police of Dnipropetrovsk region based on the materials of Dniprovsky RUP

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