Since the beginning of the year, Ukrainian border guards have implemented about 700 exercises based on the Interpol database

16.06.2021 12:29

Today, Ukraine, like more than 190 countries of the world, is a member of the international organization “Interpol”.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine also cooperates with this organization for many years in a row. And since August 2015, all Ukrainian checkpoints, without exception, have been connected to the Interpol database.

This database, in addition to identifying persons who are wanted internationally, allows the prompt establishment and exchange of information on stolen and lost identity and proof of citizenship documents. And also regarding vehicles that are wanted both in Ukraine and abroad.

Every year, thousands of persons, passport documents and vehicles that are under international search, fall into the field of view of employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of 2021, Ukrainian border guards have implemented about 700 operations on this database. Of these: almost 360 - in relation to passport documents, more than 300 - in relation to individuals and almost 30 in relation to cars that have been stolen in different countries of the world.

One of these cars was discovered last day by the border guards of the Lviv detachment on the border with Poland. The DAF truck was driven by a citizen of Ukraine and planned to cross the border at the Rava-Ruska checkpoint. In Interpol's electronic system, a truck with a similar VIN code was listed as stolen in Belgium less than a month ago.

Therefore, according to this fact, the border guards informed the Ukrbureau of Interpol. The vehicle was handed over to the National Police in accordance with the established procedure.

According to the materials of the press service of the State Fiscal Service

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