Since the beginning of the year, mountain search and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine have rescued 534 people

08.07.2021 10:52

Every day, the efforts of mountain emergency and rescue formations of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine carry out work to search and rescue people, provide them with emergency medical care at facilities and territories in mountainous and forest areas.

So, since the beginning of the year, 534 people have been rescued at tourist industry facilities in the areas of responsibility served by mountain search and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, of which 340 citizens have been provided medical care.

In particular, only in Transcarpathia during the last days rescuers of the mountain search and rescue unit were involved several times in carrying out search and rescue work in Rakhiv district.

So, on July 6, with a difference of half an hour, the Rescue Service received calls from tourists asking for help. The first call was recorded at 10:05 a.m. As it turned out, a group of tourists from 17 people left the village. Kvasy Rakhiv district needed help to complete the route for several days and on the second day two boys needed help.

The 23-year-old from Kiev suffered a knee injury while descending from Mount Petros, but in the morning he could not go further. At the same time, his 30-year-old comrade's health deteriorated. Rescuers from the village. Lazeshchyna provided first aid to tourists and took them to the settlement. From there, the guys went to Ivano-Frankivsk, and the rest of the group in the meantime continued to advance along the route to Mount Hoverla.

And already at 10:40 the number 101 was called by tourists who went on a mountain hike from the village. Business to the mountain Pip-Ivan Chornogorsky. Member of a group of 4 people, 26-year-old resident of the city. Dnipro, got a knee injury. The leg quickly swelled and the guy could not move on. Rescuers from the city. Rakhiv was found by a tourist, helped him and transported to the village. Vydrichka, from where he left in the direction of the city. Ivano-Frankivsk.

Another incident happened a few days earlier. A tourist group of five people, moving along the “yellow” route in the area of Mount Hoverla, Rakhiv district, appealed to mountain rescuers for help. It turned out: during the descent from the highlands, his health deteriorated and one of the extremes needs to be transported. An 18-year-old from Kiev received food poisoning. Rescuers reached the victim, provided him with first aid and transported him to the village. Lazeshchyna, where emergency medical specialists were already waiting for the guy.

In general, due to the increase in the number of extraordinary events with the participation of tourists, all lovers of active mountain recreation are advised to always observe safety rules. We also remind you that in order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations and in order to provide prompt assistance to the victims in the mountains, the State Emergency Service stresses the importance of registering their travels by citizens!

Link for registration and necessary information:

Lviv region
Transcarpathian region Ivano-Frankivsk
region Chernivtsi region

Dear citizens! The State Emergency Service of Ukraine emphasizes! When going on a hiking trip, follow the following tips from rescuers:

Be sure to inform your loved ones about your route and the expected return time from the hike, or better - register your mountain trip at rescue posts; avoid hiking alone.
The minimum recommended number of members of the tour group is at least 3 people; make sure that your equipment meets the requirements of
the tour. Take with you enough food and water, as well as the necessary clothing; ask about the conditions of the area and the weather forecast
; be sure to bring proven tourist maps with you.

Take care of your safety and in the event of an emergency, immediately call the Rescue Service on 101!

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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