Interaction between police and specialized support services will provide comprehensive assistance to victims of domestic violence - Kateryna Pavlichenko

09.08.2021 17:14

This was emphasized by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs during a meeting on the development of a network of specialized support services for persons affected by domestic and gender-based violence, which was chaired by the Prime Minister of Ukraine with the participation of the First Lady.

According to Ekaterina Pavlichenko, within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation, the development of a comprehensive system of assistance and support for victims at the regional level is significant. Therefore, the establishment of an extensive network of specialized support services for those affected by domestic violence is an important step in overcoming this problem.

The comprehensive system should contain a sufficient number of shelters, medical and social rehabilitation centers, day centers of social and psychological assistance, specialized services of primary socio-psychological counseling with law enforcement agencies.

“The measures taken today at the state level, at the government level, with the involvement of the public sector and international support, provide real opportunities for building a comprehensive system for the prevention of domestic violence at the local level,” the deputy minister said.

Kateryna Pavlichenko noted that the number of police mobile response teams to domestic violence has been increased from 45 to 86 and 29 specialized sectors for combating domestic violence have been created, which have already undergone appropriate training.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also participated in the elaboration of the infographic developed by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on the algorithm of actions of entities carrying out measures in the field of prevention and counteraction of domestic violence and gender-based violence.

The Deputy Minister also stressed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to participate in the formation of state policy to further optimize the work of the National Police of Ukraine for an even more timely and effective response to the facts of domestic violence, taking into account the specifics of regions, rural areas and focusing on children.

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