High theatrical art is now available to thousands of National Guardsmen
Up to a thousand soldiers and cadets of the National Guard of Ukraine will be able to attend performances of Kharkiv theaters every month. And, for free! There have not yet been such precedents of long-term and mass involvement of the military in cultural and artistic events on the territory of our state. And this was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of cultural and artistic figures, volunteers, representatives of the authorities of the region and the command of the Eastern Operational and Territorial Administration and the National Academy of the National Guard. Lest this practice come to naught over time, a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of culture and arts was signed on May 26, 2021.
40-minute performance of the military orchestra of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine on the site next to the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic; a mass of people in military uniforms and festive attire. On the evening of May 26, a cozy Rymara street turned into a kind of human anthill. The occasion is unusual: the military has discovered a “second front”. Cultural. As it was: in our material.
As soon as the guards crossed the threshold of the lobby of the Philharmonic, a surprise awaited them. The artists, dressed in costumes of the era of classicism, greeted their future mass audience with applause and poetic letters with words of gratitude for the protection of the Fatherland. The guests were somewhat puzzled - they did not expect such a hot and pathetic meeting, but this was required by the most solemn moment.
“I am from a small village in the Lozovsk district. He was in the Philharmonic for the first time, and never been to the theater. Not because I didn't want to. I just didn't have that opportunity. And today I am experiencing what can be called a culture shock. It feels like this is an extremely crucial moment,” said Oleksandr Pyatnychuk, a fighter of the 5th Slobozhanska Brigade.
“The fact that during the service we will develop spiritually and culturally is incredibly cool! You can distract, relax, and at the same time become better, to know the wealth of world culture, to understand what a person lives for. I had no idea what this was possible in the army. It is nice that this happened for the first time in the city where we serve - Kharkov. I thank the people who help us grow!”, says Vadim Staba, a soldier of the 3rd operational brigade.
“Theater is not only performances, plays of actors, scenery, costumes. This is life itself! And at the same time, it is the school of life! I am very glad that the theaters of Kharkov have become partners of the National Guard of Ukraine,” said Tetiana Kulchiy, a cadet of the National Academy of NGU.
The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Culture and Arts took place on the stage of the Philharmonic. All signatories of the document were called to the stage! They were: the Eastern Operational and Territorial Department of the National Guard of Ukraine, the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, 12 leading theaters of Kharkiv, the State Circus and the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic.
“I would like to express my gratitude to all the signatories, especially representatives of state-owned enterprises: Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Mykola Lysenko, Kharkiv State Circus named after Fred Yashinov, as well as regional communal institutions: Taras Shevchenko Theater, Puppet Theater the name of Viktor Afanasiev, the Alexander Pushkin Theater, the Kharkiv Theater for Children and Youth, the Theater of Musical Comedy, the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic, private theaters: “Theater 19”, “Madrigal”, “Theater on Zhuki” and the House of the actor named after Lesya Serdyuk, — Your help is invaluable!” — said Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Anton Dengub.
First Deputy Head of the National Academy of NGU Major General Alexander Morozov is convinced that such attention of artists to the development of young guards is extremely important.
“Today, our Guard youth will realize that those who are grateful for their service in the National Guard are much more than a family circle. On their side, the Ukrainian elite — scientific and creative intelligentsia — the moral vanguard of our society, its conscience and soul. Perhaps I envy them a little, even: I remember how at one time I discovered the artistic Kharkiv only when I had already become an officer. Then I was amazed how rich this city is in culture,” explained Major General Oleksandr Morozov.
“A better tomorrow is embodied through education, culture and perseverance. It is our duty and sincere desire to help these boys and girls who have embarked on the difficult path of serving Ukraine in the National Guard. Educating first a warrior, and then a future officer, on the samples of high theatrical art, we get a harmoniously developed personality that is able to withstand any challenges of the present,” the Deputy Head of the Eastern Territorial Department for work with personnel justified the need to sign the Memorandum Colonel Sergey Khovailo.
To the extent that theater and classical music disciplines, enriches, and paradoxically helps to comprehend the high spheres of human being, the visitors felt for themselves during the performance. The compositions “Zaporizhzhya March” and “Hussar March”, songs on the themes of Arno Babdzhanyan's songs, “Soldier in Love”, the song of Judith from the operetta “Judith” “Violet of Montmartre” and so on were heard. The incredible acoustics, atmosphere, as well as the complete dedication of the musicians and artists did their job: each number of the program was guaranteed success with the audience. At the same time, there was a presentation of the National Academy of NGU, as well as military units and management bodies of the Eastern Operational and Territorial Association of the National Guard.
Musicians, artists and cultural activists are convinced that young Ukrainian defenders will receive a grateful audience and listener. That it will be a full-blooded exchange of spiritual treasures and creative energy, in particular in terms of the promotion of Ukrainian art.
“It is on you, our military, that millions of Ukrainians place their hopes for peace. Remember: as your relatives are waiting for you at home, so we are waiting for you in our theaters! Victory to you in your difficult, but noble cause. And we thank your mothers for raising you as our defenders,” the director of the Kharkiv State Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater addressed the guards. T.G. Shevchenko Margarita Sakayan.
“Today we are carrying out perhaps a very important and at the same time very human mission. Because a person who defends our Fatherland should have the opportunity to organize his soul and heart,” says the director — chief conductor of the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic Yuriy Yanko. He added that it was very pleasant for him to see people in shoulder straps in the audience, because he himself once served in the Internal Troops and was involved in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
Representatives of the Joint Operational and Tactical Group of the Canadian Armed Forces in Ukraine (Operation UNIFIER) were invited to the signing ceremony of the Memorandum. They noted the high level of organization of the event and expressed words of gratitude for the opportunity to witness this remarkable event.
The guests of the event were about 250 military personnel and cadets, the leadership of the Eastern ATO of NGU, the National Academy of NGU, Kharkiv Regional State Administration, 5 Slobozhanska Brigade and 3 brigades of operational appointment named after Colonel Petro Bolbochan, representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, volunteers, cadets and students of military lyceums of Kharkiv region.
Recall: In April of this year, the guards signed similar Memorandum with museums of Kharkiv city and region, exhibition galleries, regional center of culture and art, regional center of tourism and leading Kharkiv publishing houses “Vivat”, “Golden Pages”, “Morning” and “Folio” “.
Department of Information and Communication of Eastern TU
Department of International Relations, Information and Communications at NGU