A memorial plaque was opened in KHNUVS in honor of Dmitry Prugl, a graduate of the university who died in the east of Ukraine

25.06.2021 18:42

In Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, solemn events were held on the occasion of the opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the deceased graduate of the university in eastern Ukraine, deputy company commander of the regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine “Azov”, senior lieutenant Dmitry Prugl.

To honor the memory of the warrior who gave his life for peace and freedom in his native land, units of cadets, students of the institute of postgraduate education, police companies of the patrol service of the special purpose police “East” of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region lined up on the main square of the university.

The rector of the university, police general of the third rank Valery Sokurenko, addressed those present: “We are proud of our graduate of Faculty No. 1, who graduated from the university in 2012 and voluntarily joined the regiment of the National Guard “Azov” in the stormy days of 2014. With weapons in his hands, he defended integrity and freedom in the east of our country. The opening of the memorial plaque on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine is a landmark event. It will always remind us that sovereignty and freedom must be fought, defended with weapons in hand. Dmitri died like a hero. For us, it is an example of imitation, a reminder that, thanks to the heroism of our soldiers, Kharkiv remains a Ukrainian city. And it is up to us that Slobozhanshchyna will continue to remain peaceful and Ukrainian.”

As noted in his speech, a veteran of the Azov regiment and also a graduate of the university, Major of Police Sergey Tamarin, for a soldier to die in battle, defending his native land, is a privilege and a great honor. He called on the cadets to walk the chosen path with honor, to be an example to others and to always remember that the history of Ukraine is washed with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian sons and daughters.

Deputy commander of the regiment “Azov” for combat and special training, KHNU graduate Lieutenant Vitaliy Gritsaienko thanked the university leadership for the opportunity to honor the memory of the hero who above all loved his country, his people and was a true defender and patriot of Ukraine.

After the vocal composition “Hero of Our State”, which was performed by the participants of the artistic performance, the participants took part in the opening of the memorial plaque to Dmitry Pruglu in the university museum. The brothers remembered what a sincere, kind and brave man Dmitry was, and honored his memory with flowers.



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