The National Guard continues the Basic Scout Training Course under the guidance of the “UNIFIER” Operation Instructors

29.05.2021 10:56

On the basis of the Training and Combat Center for the preparation of units for special actions of the International Center of the National Guard, the Basic Course of Training of the Reconnaissance Officer of the NGU continues. Representatives of the Joint Operational and Tactical Group of the Armed Forces of Canada (Operation “UNIFIER”) showed how an observation post is being equipped in accordance with NATO standards.

During the exercise, the guards marched into the depths of the forest, where an observation post prepared by Canadian instructors was located and tried to visually detect it. Each scout must be sufficiently trained to identify important points to set up an observation post for further observation of important objects.

“In the past, the students showed good results during the practical training on terrain orientation, especially at night, in the control session they impressed us with their knowledge and skills,” said the master corporal from the Canadian side. After inspecting the sample observation point, the scouts were divided into 3 groups and each of them, relying on the acquisition of knowledge, set up its observation point.
Instructors from the Armed Forces of Canada indicated advantages and disadvantages for each group, and the Guardsmen compared their results between the groups.

“For my part, I want to say that the guards quickly master the program of the course, we are satisfied as groups work out the material. This course is a good opportunity for both of us, when we train scouts we learn for ourselves, the fighters are happy to pass on their experience to us,” the master corporal added. The
basic reconnaissance course is held for the first time, so specialists from the National Guard together with Canadian instructors pay attention to the moments that need to be taken adjustment and improvement. Recall that the next course will be carried out with changes and will become the base for special purpose units and snipers.

Information and Communication Department of the International Center of NGU

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