Measures to combat illegal migration continue in Kyiv

02.07.2021 11:54

In one of the largest markets of the capital, the Migration Service has exposed another group of illegal migrants: foreigners will pay fines and will have to leave the territory of Ukraine.

In order to identify and bring to justice foreigners and stateless persons illegally staying on the territory of Ukraine, employees of the Department of Migration Control, Countering Illegal Migration and Readmission of the Central Interregional Directorate of the SMS in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast join forces with law enforcement agencies. Thus, on July 2, 2021, a trial of vegetable and industrial markets took place in the Desnyansky district of the capital, during which foreigners were found on the territory of Ukraine without the necessary documents or with violation of the terms of stay.

As a result, about 6 foreigners were decided to forcibly return to the country of origin, that is, they are obliged to leave the territory of Ukraine within a month. 14 violators of migration legislation will be held administratively liable under Part 1 of Art. 203 KUPap “Violation by foreigners and stateless persons of the rules of stay in Ukraine and transit passage through the territory of Ukraine” and pay fines. Another undocumented person is placed at the point of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons for identification.

Currently, work is actively continuing to combat illegal migration in Kyiv and the region. We remind you that the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine is possible only under the condition of compliance with the migration legislation of our country.

Central Interregional Department of the State Health Service in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv region

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