The presentation of a documentary film and a book dedicated to the struggle for the release of illegally convicted Ukrainian Vitaliy Markiv took place in Dnipro

11.06.2021 16:56

The documentary film “Calling Italian” and the book “Vitaliy Markiv” were presented to Dnipro citizens today, June 11.

The film and the book tell the story of a volunteer National Guard, unjustly convicted because of Russian propaganda, and Ukraine's victory in this case. In addition to the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, the presentation was attended by the head of the GUNP in the Dnipropetrovsk region Anatoly Schadilo, police officers, representatives of law enforcement agencies, cadets of the University of Internal Affairs and others. The documentary was presented by the director and author of the idea - Director of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko.

According to him, the documentary “The Call of the Italian” was created to truthfully tell the story of National Guardsman Vitaliy Markiv and draw attention to the importance of information counteraction: “Vitali was unfairly accused by Italian justice of involvement in the death of an Italian photojournalist during the war in 2014. After his arrest, both the state and the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov did everything to restore justice. We managed to do this and Vitaly was fired. In the film, we tell chronologically how events unfolded.”

Before the presentation of the film and the book, flowers were laid and commemorated the dead Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and servicemen who gave their lives during the ATO took place on the Alley of Remembrance. After that, everyone could talk to the main character of the film — Vitaliy Markov, the author of the idea and screenwriter of the documentary “The Calling Italian” and the book “Vitaly Markov”, director of the Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko.

Department of communication of the police of Dnipropetrovsk region


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