A judo tournament dedicated to the memory of Major General Igor Momot started in Cherkassy

22.05.2021 10:53

The grand opening of the All-Ukrainian Judo Tournament “Relay of Generations” took place in Cherkasy Palace of Sports “Builder”.

The competition is dedicated to the memory of the Hero of Ukraine Major General Igor Momot, who died in 2014 in eastern Ukraine, defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Athletes from Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Cherkasy regions will compete for the victory on tatami. Among its participants are judoists from 2006 to 2011 years of birth.

The personnel of the Main Personnel Training Center of the State Border Guard Service named after Major General I.Momot joined the solemn opening of the competition.

Before the start of the competition, the attendees honored Igor Momot's memory with the laying of flowers and a minute of silence.

The tournament takes place in a friendly atmosphere, and the intense and uncompromising struggle of young athletes takes place on tatami.

We wish all participants of the competition strength, patience and victories!


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