Week of work of National Guard patrols in facts and figures

14.06.2021 16:17

In the period from June 7 to 13 of this year, the personnel of the NGU were engaged in service in 21 regional centers of the state and the city of Kyiv, as well as in 38 cities of regional and district subordination, 13 rural settlements. Also during the past week, the guards patrolled the territory of railway stations in Kharkiv and Dnipro. In

total, according to the results of the service last week, the National Guard patrols handed over 142 persons on suspicion of committing crimes, 2 thousand 117 persons for administrative offenses to employees of the National Police.

Detainees seized: 4 hunting rifles, 32 rounds, 4 traumatic devices, 3 cold weapons, 0.242 kg of narcotic substances, 424 kg of narcotic raw materials 3.5 m³ of roundwood and 2 motor pumps. Property in the amount of 64 thousand 850 hryvnias was returned.

During the summer health resort season, the military personnel of the National State University of Ukraine will ensure the protection of public order on the territory of 11 settlements of the state (in the cities of Odessa, Slovyansk, Svyatogorsk, Mariupol, Melekine, Shchurovo village of Donetsk region; in Ivano-Frankivsk, city. Rudky of Lviv region, Koblevo village of Mykolaiv region, village Kyrylivka and city. Berdyansk Zaporozhye region).

Soldiers of the National Guard continue to actively participate in measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Ukraine. In particular, they protect the territories of 6 facilities for hospitalization of patients with coronavirus, observation (isolation) in 4 cities (Kiev, Odessa, Kherson, and Kremenchug).

This week, the Guards ensured law and order at 36 mass events:

during public actions near state authorities;

during religious events;

near judicial institutions;

during sporting events, etc.

Preventive measures to prevent illegal mining of amber in the territory of Volyn, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions continue.

Also, the guards participate in preventive measures on the territory of 9 settlements of the state in places and areas with the most difficult criminogenic situation.

This week, the soldiers of the National Guard took part in search activities on the territory of Kryukivshchyna village of Buchansky district of Kyiv region, s. Silets of Chervonograd district of Lviv region, m. Reni Izmail district of Odessa region, s. Kulchin Volyn region, s. Ustechko Ternopil region

The patrol units of the NGU continue to ensure law and order in the area of operation of the Joint Forces in Severodonetsk and Rubezhny Luhansk regions and Mariupol, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, Druzhkivka — in Donetsk region.

According to the results of the service, 10 persons were transferred to the National Police on suspicion of criminal offenses and 90 persons for administrative offenses to the National Police.

Recall the resonant cases of offenses and probable crimes this week:

On June 7, the guards of V/h 3030 together with the police, during the service with the OGP in the city. In Kyiv, on the territory of the railway station “Kyiv-Pasazhyrsky”, on the “hot trail”, after receiving a report of theft and seizure of money in the amount of UAH 200 thousand by an unknown person, during the operation of the adjacent territory of the station, according to signs, they found and detained a citizen under Art. 186 “Robbery”, in which stolen funds were discovered during a surface check. His involvement in the commission of the crime was confirmed by the applicant. The investigative and operational team of the district IP was called to the scene.

On June 8, the patrol of Department 3055 of the NGU together with the NPU, during preventive measures to stabilize the operational situation on the territory of Rivne region, detained 4 persons, of which:

1 person per art. 263 CCU, in which 32 rounds (7.62 mm) were detected during the surface inspection;

1 person per art. 246 CCU “Illegal felling of the forest”, in which 2 m³ of roundwood was seized;

2 persons per Art. 185 KKU for theft of funds and jewelry made of gold (bracelet) for a total amount of 11 thousand 600 UAH

On June 8, the auto patrol of the 3052 NGU, during service with the OGP in the city. Poltava, according to “hot traces”, after receiving a message on a tablet device about the seizure of a mobile phone by an unknown person with the use of physical force, during the exploitation of the adjacent territory, according to signs, a citizen was found and detained under Art. 186 “Robbery” in which a stolen mobile phone was discovered during a surface check. His involvement in the commission of the crime was confirmed by the applicant. The investigative and operational team of the district IP was called to the scene.

On June 8, the patrol of V/ch 3055 of the NGU together with the NPU, during preventive measures to prevent illegal extraction of amber in the territory of Rivne region, discovered 1 motor pump, which was seized in accordance with the requirements of Art. 240 KKU.

On June 8, the auto patrol of the army 1241 of the NGU, during service with the OGP in the city. Ivano-Frankivsk, according to the “hot trail”, after a citizen's appeal that two unknown persons illegally penetrated his home and committed theft of funds in the amount of UAH 3 thousand 500, while working out the adjacent territory, found and detained 2 people under Art. 185 “Thefts” in which stolen funds were discovered during a surface check. Their involvement in the commission of the crime was confirmed by the applicant. The investigative and operational team of the district IP was called to the scene.

On June 9, the patrol of Department 3055 of the NGU together with the NPU, during preventive measures to stabilize the operational situation on the territory of Rivne region, detained 2 persons, of which:

1 person per art. 263 Criminal Code, in which, during the surface inspection, a hunting rifle was found without permits;

1 person per art. 309 CCU, in which, during a surface inspection, narcotic raw materials of plant origin (13 hemp bushes) weighing 500 grams were found.

On June 10, patrol of V./h. 3011 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kropyvnytskyi, detained a man for art. 263 Criminal Code, in which, during the surface inspection, a device of traumatic action was found without permits. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 10, the auto patrol of the 3056 NGU, during service with the OGP in the city. Kherson, according to “hot traces”, according to signs, found and detained a citizen under Art. 185 KKU, who stole a mobile phone worth 7 thousand 500 UAH His involvement in the commission of the crime was confirmed by the applicant. The investigative and operational team of the district IP was called to the scene.

On June 10, the auto patrol of the 3056 NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kherson, detained three people for Art. 309 CCU, in which, during the surface inspection, narcotic substances of synthetic origin with a total weight of 40 grams were detected. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 10, the guards of V/ch 3055 together with the NPU, during preventive measures in order to prevent illegal extraction of amber in the territory of Rivne region, discovered 1 motor pump, which was seized in accordance with the requirements of Art. 240 KKU.

On June 10, the auto patrol of the army 3035 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kramatorsk, detained a citizen for art. 310 KKU, which illegally grew narcotic raw materials of plant origin (hemp) in the amount of 708 bushes with a total weight of 354 kg on private territory. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 11, the patrol of V./h. 3035 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Dnipro, detained a citizen for art. 310 KKU, who illegally grew narcotic raw materials of plant origin (hemp) in the amount of 8 bushes with a total weight of 5 kg in a private yard. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 11, the auto patrol of V./h. 3056 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kherson, detained for Art. 309 CCU, in which, during a surface inspection, a narcotic substance of plant origin weighing 10 grams was detected. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 11, patrol unit 3002 of the NGU together with the NPU, during the service with the OGP of the city. Sarny, detained a man for art. 263 of the Criminal Code, in which, during a surface inspection, a hunting rifle was found without permits. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 11, the auto patrol of the army 1241 of the NGU, during service with the OGP in the city. Ivano-Frankivsk, according to “hot traces”, after receiving a message about the theft of a mobile phone, according to signs, during the exploitation of the adjacent territory found and detained a citizen under Art. 185 KCU, in which during a surface check a stolen mobile phone worth UAH 13 thousand was found. The investigative and operational team of the district IP was called to the scene.

On June 11, the patrol of Department 3035 of the NGU together with the NPU uniforms, during preventive measures to stabilize the operational situation in the city. Bakhmut of Donetsk region, detained 3 people, of them:

2 persons per Art. 263 Criminal Code, in which, during the surface inspection, 2 hunting rifles and 2 traumatic pistols were found without permits;

1 person per art. 310 KKU, which illegally grew narcotic raw materials of plant origin (hemp) in the amount of 120 bushes with a total weight of 60 kg in a private yard.

On June 12, the auto patrol of V./h. 3056 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kherson, detained a citizen for art. 309 CCU, in which, during a surface inspection, a narcotic substance of plant origin weighing 10 grams was detected. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 12, patrol unit 3002 of the NGU together with the NPU, during the service with the OGP of the city. Berehove, detained a citizen for art. 263 Criminal Code, in which, during the surface inspection, a device of traumatic action was found without permits. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 12, patrol of the Russian Armed Forces 3012 NGU in the city. Odessa noticed a citizen who called for help. Responding immediately, the guards interviewed the victim. In his words, an unknown citizen snatched his mobile phone. After checking the surrounding area, soon a citizen similar in description was found. During a superficial check, she really found a phone similar to the specified one. The stolen item was returned to the owner, and the citizen was taken to the National Police Department on suspicion of committing a crime under Art. 185 KKU.

On June 12, the foot patrol of the NGU in the city. Odessa, while patrolling the territory of the Luzanovka hydropark, noticed an unknown citizen drinking alcoholic beverages and behaving inadequately. The guards conducted a superficial check, as a result of which, they found an object similar to a cassette in the man. The citizen was handed over to police officers, who in the presence of the witnesses seized the prohibited item. A man is criminalized on suspicion of committing a crime under Art. 263 KKU.

On June 12, the auto patrol of the army 3053 of the NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kamianets-Podilsky, detained a citizen for art. 309 CCU, in which, during a surface inspection, a narcotic substance of synthetic origin weighing 14 grams was detected. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

On June 13, the auto patrol of the 3056 NGU, during service with the OGP m. Kherson, detained a man for art. 309 CCU, in which, during a surface inspection, a narcotic substance of synthetic origin weighing 10 grams was detected. The investigative and operational team of the regional OP was called to the scene.

Press service of the NGU

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