Six years of the National Police of Ukraine and the 100th anniversary of the National Security Service of Ukraine: Solemn events took place near Kyiv

05.07.2021 14:26

Today, July 5, on the territory of the Department of Special and Physical Training of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (p. Vita Poshtova) celebrations were held on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine, the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Internal Affairs and the next graduation of police officers.

The solemn event was held with the participation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, the head of the National Police of Ukraine Igor Klymenko, the rector of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volodymyr Cherney, employees of NPU units, graduates and cadets of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volodymyr Cherney. Zelensky congratulated police officers on a professional holiday.

“I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine. You have chosen a very responsible slogan for yourself — to serve and protect, and with it a complex and dangerous service. Every day, the Ukrainian police must actively counteract crime, ensure public order, help people in various difficult, critical situations, in particular, in curbing the Covid-19 pandemic. And the most important thing is to strengthen the level of trust of Ukrainian society. All citizens of our state should feel that the difference between the police and the police is not in the name, but in the principles, valor, integrity, attitude to every citizen, every person,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.

The President of Ukraine stressed that in difficult everyday work, police officers often, risking their own lives, show courage, will, loyalty to the oath and to the Ukrainian people. During the independence of Ukraine, 1204 employees of the internal affairs bodies died at the hands of criminals. 141 workers gave their lives, defending Ukraine in the east of our state.

Those present honored the memory of the dead law enforcement officers with a minute of silence.

The head of state also addressed teachers, cadets and graduates of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, congratulating on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution.

In turn, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov noted that the National Academy of Internal Affairs as a departmental educational institution has for many years been an integral part of the personnel training system for various units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It is a modern institution of higher education of the European model, which carries out innovative educational activities, conducts fundamental and applied scientific research.

“In 6 years, 63 thousand Ukrainians joined the ranks of the National Police of Ukraine. Most of them are graduates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today we welcome 585 graduates of the National Academy of Internal Affairs to our family. Here she is a young, beautiful, ambitious new police officer! Sincere thanks to the teachers and staff of the Academy, which today celebrates its 100th anniversary. Professionally trained employees are an extremely important investment in the development of the National Police. I congratulate the boys and girls who have chosen for themselves this difficult and worthy life business — to serve the Law and protect people,” Arsen Avakov said.

After the welcoming speeches, a solemn ceremony of awarding officer shoulder straps and diplomas to 585 graduates of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took place. The President of Ukraine presented state and departmental awards to the best police officers and teachers of the National Security Service of Ukraine.

As part of the event, the police demonstrated their training in the release of hostages with the involvement of the helicopter Airbus H-145.

Recall that on July 4, Arsen Avakov congratulated law enforcement officers on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine and noted that in six years the personnel composition of the NPU has changed by 40%.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PHOTO by Mykola Anatsky

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