National Security Council sanctions against “criminal authorities”: 10 forcibly returned to their countries of origin, 27 — canceled residence permits in Ukraine

26.05.2021 13:31

Such are the results of the work of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police on the detection of criminal “authorities”, which were included in the sanctions list of the National Security Council approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine.

Already the 27th “criminal authorities” from the sanctions list of the National Security Council canceled their residence permits in Ukraine. 10 were forcibly returned to their countries of origin with a ban on entry into the territory of the state. Among them are natives of Georgia and Armenia, who have maintained ties with criminal representatives not only in their countries of origin, but also in different regions of Ukraine.

In the list of 17 “authorities” who canceled permits and other residence permits in Ukraine are several so-called “sightseers” and natives of different countries. All of them are suspects in criminal proceedings, most of whom are in places of imprisonment. Each of them will be responsible for their “actions” and be held accountable in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. They are incriminated for committing a number of serious crimes: establishing and spreading criminal influence, creating criminal organizations, robberies, kidnapping people, extorting funds, etc.

Work on countering the spread of criminal influence of criminal “authorities” from the sanctions list of the National Security and Security Council continues.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine

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