KhNUVS Rector Valery Sokurenko: “The Basic Law of Ukraine has entered our lives as the main talisman of statehood and democracy”

25.06.2021 16:27

25 years ago, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, expressing the sovereign will of the citizens of the state, adopted the Constitution of Ukraine. The adoption of the Basic Law consolidated the legal foundations of independent Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, was an important step in ensuring human and citizen rights, contributed to the further increase of the country's international authority. On the occasion of the anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held solemn events, which were opened by the rector of the university, police general of the third rank Valery Sokurenko.

At the beginning of the event, the participants honored with a minute of silence the memory of the sons and daughters of Ukraine, who in different years defended the freedom and independence of their native land.

As the rector of the university Valery Sokurenko noted: “The Basic Law has entered our lives as the main talisman of statehood and democracy, the guarantor of the independence and unity of the country. We must all relate our lives to true national ideals, ideals of the rule of law, freedom and respect for one another. So may peace and understanding always reign on our land, contribute to the implementation of the basic principles of the Constitution — people's rule, humanism and legality, help the welfare of every family!”

The rector also noted that today on the podium, next to him are people's deputies of various convocations, including the first rector of the university, deputy of the I—IV convocations Oleksandr Bandurka. He took a direct part in the development and adoption of the Basic Law of Ukraine.

Addressing those present, Oleksandr Bandurka stressed: “The anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution is not only a public holiday, it is also my personal holiday. I had to participate in the development and adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty, the Act of Independence of Ukraine and the Constitution of Ukraine. Under these historically important documents is my signature. The Constitution is the culmination of a thousand-year tradition of Ukrainian state-building since the times of Kievan Rus. Everything that happened on these lands, which Ukraine unites, is our heredity. The important documents of Kievan Rus, the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk, and the constitutional documents of the Ukrainian People's Republic and Soviet Ukraine are all the foundations on which the idea of Ukrainian statehood and the main document of the state — the Constitution, was cultivated. From the President of our country to the schoolboy, we must abide by the norms of the Constitution, which proclaims rights and freedoms to everyone, but also gives responsibilities. Today we perceive Constitution Day as a state traditional holiday, but when it was adopted, there was an acute political struggle between different political forces for every formulation, for every article. I am proud that our university has been directly involved in the preparation of the Constitution. Three times the university held conferences of a scientific and practical nature on what the Constitution of Ukraine should be. Our professors developed certain constitutional norms or laws that were adopted in the implementation of the main document. It is a state holiday, a holiday of the university and each of us. I greet everyone and wish that your constitutional rights and freedoms are never violated by anyone!”

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Legislation and Anti-Crime of the Committee on Law Enforcement Activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, People's Deputy of the Ninth Convocation Oleksandr Bakumov, and in the recent past — Vice-Rector of the University, noted: “The Constitution is the main guideline, which is the basis for all branches of law. Each of us must understand how important this regulatory act is. We must value it, comply with the constitutional norms to the fullest. I wish happiness, health, prosperity to our country, my hometown and the whole Slobozhanshchyna region.”

The People's Deputy of Ukraine Victoria Kinzburska also congratulated the university staff on the holiday.

On behalf of the Head of the Supervisory Board of the University Irina Efremova, Counsellor-Consultant Mykola Pakhnin conveyed his congratulations to the staff of the university. “For the scientific community of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Constitution Day is of special importance. The representatives of the university participated directly in the constitutional process during all the years of independence and continue this work today. Your contribution is priceless. It is eternally engraved in the Ukrainian annals. I sincerely congratulate you on one of the most important public holidays. May our state be the most successful and democratic, and our people the happiest and most prosperous,” the greeting reads.

During the event, university employees were awarded with honors of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Kharkiv regional organization of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine.

The celebrations ended with a vocal and choreographic composition performed by the participants of the artistic performance “Ukraine is us”.


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