Vice-Rector of Lviv DuvS Oleh Shinkaruk presented a new specialty “Information Systems and Technologies”

08.04.2021 14:15

This year, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs will be recruiting for a new specialty - “Information Systems and Technologies”. About this during a live broadcast on the university's Instagram page, Vice-Rector of Lviv DuvS Oleg Shynkaruk said.

He stressed that the training will involve the training of system administrators of law enforcement information systems. Today, the National Police and other state bodies actively use modern software, network equipment and high-tech computer equipment in their work. This necessitates targeted training of specialists in the design and administration of specialized law enforcement information systems. Therefore, the specialists of LvDUV developed a new educational and professional program “Law enforcement information systems”, which provides for the training of bachelors in the specialty 126 “Information systems and technologies”.

According to the vice-rector of the university, the program, in addition to learning the basic programming languages, also involves mastering the principles of information management, system integration, information systems administration and IT project management. Disciplines of legal direction will also be studied: IT law, legal support of intellectual property protection, legal principles of information protection.

This year the recruitment will be carried out at the expense of individuals and legal entities. Upon completion of the training, graduates will receive diplomas of higher education of the state standard and will have the opportunity to work in the bodies of the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in the territorial units of the Service Service and the State Migration Service.

Oleg Shinkaruk added that to enter the specialty, applicants will need ZNO certificates in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, as well as a third to choose from (foreign language, history of Ukraine, biology, geography, physics or chemistry). At the end of the broadcast, the representative of the university answered the questions of the applicants and wished everyone a successful admission.

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