Spread of criminal influence, supply of drugs and replenishment of “commons” — two “spies” in a correctional colony were exposed in Volyn

18.06.2021 15:51

The two convicts organized a drug supply channel to the correctional colony, which were buried in window frames. In addition, they established and spread their criminal influence among other dependents of the institution, replenishing the so-called “criminal community” in various illegal ways. The attackers already had criminal experience and the status of so-called “sleuths”.

Operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Volyn region with law enforcement colleagues established several facts of illegal actions of convicts. In particular, criminal “authorities” organized a drug supply channel on the territory of the colony. To organize the supply of prohibited substances, the attackers involved others, and those who are at large. The “goods” were buried in frames for windows, which later fell into the colony. In particular, law enforcement documented the supply of 500 methadone and cannabis tablets to the colony.

In addition, the facts of illegal seizure of citizens' funds by intruders have been established. To do this, they “worked” in social networks: they positioned themselves as sellers of various kinds of goods and services, fraudulently lured money from citizens into their own bank accounts under various pretexts - payment for delivery of goods, subscriptions and others. The funds received in this way were directed to a criminal “community”. Another way to replenish it was to demand a monthly “tribute” in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 UAH from the convicts of the correctional colony for allegedly quiet serving their sentences.

The “sightseers” destabilized the regime established in the penitentiary colony, urged prisoners to follow “thieving laws”, inciting them to continue illegal activities and organize into criminal groups.

Yesterday, June 17, operatives together with the investigators of the regional police department under the procedural guidance of the Volyn Regional Prosecutor's Office and with the support of employees of the colony's operational department, KORD, TOR and RPOP in the Volyn region conducted sanctioned searches in the correctional institution.

As a result, they found and seized: more than 250 tablets of “methadone”, more than 200 grams of “cannabis”, more than 20 liters of counterfeit alcoholic beverages, 57 mobile phones with SIM cards of various operators, bank cards, “rough” records of those involved with mobile phone numbers, bank accounts, records and passwords to them, devices and means for the use of drugs.


So far, two “sightseers” have been informed of the suspicions. They incriminate the establishment and dissemination of criminal influence in the correctional colony (Part 2 of Art. 255-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment and sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances (Part 2 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The pre-trial investigation continues — a full circle of accomplices of the suspects is established in order to stop their illegal activities and bring them to justice.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine


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