Half a century of informatization: the development of the information service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its largest digitalization projects

17.05.2021 12:29

Fifty years since the founding of the information service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is today, May 17, 2021. Half a century ago, the history of the current Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine began as one of the oldest structural units of the Ministry's apparatus.

So, on May 17, 1971, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Republican Information Center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed. The first information service was headed by an outstanding scientist, head of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Viktor Glushkov, who was then appointed scientific director of the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine ensures the formation of priority directions of informatization of the apparatus of the Ministry and its territorial bodies for the provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police of Ukraine, the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Migration Service of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Digitalization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today

In accordance with the Strategy for the development of organs of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the period up to 2020 and the Concept for the development of e-government in Ukraine, the Government approved the Regulation on a unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the list of its priority information resources (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №1024 of November 14, 2018). By the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated January 22, 2019 No. 37, the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is defined by the EIS service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a multifunctional integrated automated system that directly ensures the implementation of the functions of its subjects, information support and support of their activities and constitutes a set of interconnected functional subsystems, software-information complexes, software-technical and technical means of telecommunication, which provide a logical combination of defined information resources, processing and protection of information, internal and external interaction.

Organizational structure of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The work of the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is focused on:

· organization of formation of information resources of a unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ensuring control over the processes of their filling and use;

· organization and provision of operation, development, coordination and functioning of the communication and telecommunications system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, access control and monitoring of the efficiency of the use of resources of the unified digital departmental telecommunication network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

· organization of implementation and control of functioning in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on the instructions of the Minister in the Central Office of information security management systems, analysis of the state of cyber security, use of measures to prevent cyber attacks and cyber incidents, counter cyber threats, provide cyber protection of information resources of critical infrastructure objects the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on behalf of the Minister of the CEV;

· direct development and coordination of draft regulatory acts developed in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on the instructions of the Minister in the CEV in the field of informatization, formation and use of electronic information resources, information security and provision of electronic trust services;

· organization of ensuring the interaction of electronic information interaction of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on behalf of the Minister of the CEV with other state bodies, local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities, law enforcement agencies of foreign states and international organizations;

· ensuring the provision of qualified electronic trust services by the Accredited Key Certification Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, organization of the use of qualified electronic trust services in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

· organization and implementation of the publication and regular updating on the Unified State Open Data Web Portal of public information in the form of open data, the administrator of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

· coordination of activities of the State Enterprise “INFOTEH”.

Informatization with history

For half a century of its activity, the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was later renamed the Republican Research Information Center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and then after the declaration of independence of Ukraine was named the Information Bureau, managed to develop and implement sectoral automated control systems (more than 70 systems functioned in the USSR), automated systems processing of special information, start accounting on computers of accounting and search information and informatize operational-search activities of internal affairs bodies as on Republican and regional levels.

In 1995, work was started on the creation of the Unified Information Support System of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which was to become the basis of the state automated information system of criminology, analysis and prediction of crime. In 1997, work was intensified on the creation of integrated data banks and interdepartmental information systems. By the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated August 21, 1997 No. 567, the Information Bureau was renamed the Department of Operational Information at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the National Informatization Program”, took an active part in the creation of the first stage of the integrated information and analytical system of law enforcement agencies.

For the first time, the information service was included in the structure of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in 2007, when by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated April 6, 2007 No. 115DSK, the Department of Information Technology under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was reorganized into the Department of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Then information systems of personal-reference and fingerprinting, operational information, subsystem of unified accounting of crimes were introduced.

Since 2014, when the activities of the State Fiscal Service Administration, the State Emergency Service, the NPU and the State Fiscal Service began to be directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the need arose for a comprehensive reorganization and optimization of sectoral electronic information resources, as well as integration into the national system of electronic interaction of state information resources. In this regard, work began on the creation and implementation of a unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a basic tool for automating management processes. By the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated November 13, 2017 No. 921, the Department of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was reorganized into the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is defined by the EIS service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Future digitalization projects

The next three years, the Department of Informatization will implement priority tasks for the implementation of the sectoral program of informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with the Concept of Informatization Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2021-2023, approved by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated April 22, 2021 No. 301, namely:

1. Digital projects in the field of road traffic: coordination of traffic on the roads, detection of violations of traffic rules, prompt response to accidents;

2. Digital projects in the field of protection of human life and health through specialized web services (in particular, an application for Android and iOS) and providing the population with the opportunity to receive prompt information about threats of a criminal and man-made nature, to report detected violations in the mode of the “alarm” button;

3. Digital platform “Safe Country”: safe living space, implementation of technical standards in the field of security environment, ICT architecture — network routing and intelligent systems for processing big data;

4. Emergency service “112”: building opportunities to improve citizens' access to emergency response services;

5. Creation of a public electronic service for identification of individuals, comprehensive use of biometric and genomic data in combination with end-to-end identification technology;

6. Digital projects in the field of registration and registration of weapons;

7. Digital projects in the field of building a single address space and synchronization of data of registers of territorial communities;

8. Digital projects on registration of information on the status of a person in criminal proceedings and the presence (absence) of a criminal record as a functional subsystem of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recall, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched two new digital services at once: replacement of driver's license and registration of residence in the application “Diya”

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