Operatives of the National Police exposed officials of state enterprises in illegal deforestation for 13 million hryvnias

23.07.2021 11:24

In addition, law enforcement officers warned of illegal logging of the forest for another 1.5 million hryvnias. In particular, the fact of falsification of documents for the destruction of forest plantations that were not subject to removal was documented. So far, seven defendants have been declared suspects.

Operatives of the Department of Ensuring Activities Related to Hazardous Materials of the National Police of Ukraine and investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation in Kyiv have established that for three years the foresters of the State Enterprise of Kyiv region, according to a preliminary conspiracy, carried out illegal continuous sanitary violations on land plots with a total area of about 8 hectares. At the same time, the environmental impact assessment procedure was not carried out and relevant conclusions were not obtained. The amount of damage caused to the state is 13 million hryvnias. These damages, accrued by the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine, are confirmed by the environmental and engineering examination conducted by the Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers established new facts of criminal activity of suspects. In particular, those involved were preparing for the illegal felling of the forest in three more areas. The police discovered documents in which the defendants entered false information. As a result, the attackers obtained permission to carry out the felling of forest plantations, which in fact did not require the application of sanitary improvement measures and were not subject to removal. Therefore, law enforcement officers prevented illegal logging of the forest for more than 1.5 million hryvnias.

So far, seven officials and officials involved in the commission of the offences have been informed of the suspicion. The actions of intruders are qualified under Part 2 of Art. 28 h. 1 (Committing a criminal offense by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, organized group or criminal organization), Art. 366 (Service forgery) and per Part 4 of Art. 246 (Illegal chopping or illegal transportation, storage, sale of forest) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Article sanctions provide for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 7 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

Procedural guidance in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office. Operational support is provided by employees of the Department for the provision of activities related to hazardous materials of the National Police of Ukraine.

Communication Management

National Police of Ukraine

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