Obolonsky District Court of Kyiv found the judge of the capital's court guilty of driving while intoxicated

17.11.2021 16:40

This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky today, November 17.

“The Obolonsky District Court of Kyiv found the judge of the capital's court guilty of driving a car while intoxicated. However, after the decision of the first instance, the defense party sent an appeal. Finally, on November 11, the Kyiv Court of Appeal upheld the judge's sentence for driving while intoxicated, rejecting all appeals from the drunk judge's defense. In addition to the decision itself, on my behalf, a complaint was submitted to the High Council of Justice for the assessment of such an offense by the judge,” the Minister of Internal Affairs noted.

He also noted that the sanction of Article 130 KUPP provides for a fine of UAH 17,000 with deprivation of the right to drive a car for 1 year.

Recall, on July 21 in the capital Obolon, a vehicle under the control of the judge of the Desnyansky District Court of Kyiv got into a traffic accident. Then the patrol police drew up a protocol on the driver on administrative offenses for committing an accident (Art. 124 KUPap). And since the woman driving the car had obvious signs of alcohol intoxication, she was sent for a medical examination. And according to the conclusion of the doctor back in July, it was confirmed that the driver was indeed drunk.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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