The National Police will monitor the compliance of car carriers with the requirements of legislation and norms on motor transport — Denis Monastyrsky

29.07.2021 16:47

In addition, a network of low-speed high-precision sites for automatic fixation of violations of dimensional and weight standards will be built. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky today, July 29, during the Joint Session of the Presidium of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine and the National Council of Reforms.

“We have reached agreements with the leadership of the Ministry of Infrastructure that the police will be involved in the protection and preservation of Ukrainian roads. In particular, the functions of control over the compliance of carriers with the requirements of legislation and norms on road transport will be transferred to the sphere of competence of the National Police. This applies to both international road transportation of passengers and cargo, as well as internal transportation, dimensional control, control over the regime of work and rest,” said Denis Monastyrsky.

According to him, this stage will involve significant organizational and practical work and includes, in particular, amendments to the legislation on road transport, the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses, the Budget Code, as well as other regulatory and legal acts. In order to carry out this work, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the material and technical base of Ukrtranssecurity, places of dimensional and weight control, condition, potential suitability, certification.

The Minister of the Interior also said that a network of low-speed high-precision sites for automatic fixation of violations of dimensional and weight norms, approximately 100 objects, will be built.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs will propose the construction of such sites by local communities at their own expense. This will preserve local and regional roads, there will be receipts to local budgets, because we plan to adopt amendments to the Budget Code, where there should be a fair distribution of payment of fines between the state budget, the road fund and the fund of territorial communities,” said Denis Monastyrsky.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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