The National Police of Ukraine continues the implementation of the project “Community Police Officer” in the territory of Kharkiv region
Five more territorial communities of Kharkiv region today, together with the chief of police Stanislav Perlin, signed a memorandum of cooperation.
They expressed a desire to participate in the project and guaranteed the material and technical support of the police heads of the Merefyansk, Natalyn, Novopokrovsk, Starovirovsk and Starosaltivsk territorial communities.
According to the head of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region Stanislav Perlin, the project “Police Officer of the Community” is the most modern and interesting of all existing ones.
- What is he interested in? Using the example of Pisochynska AHG, we made sure that it is effective and modern. The police officer is an integral part of the community, fully takes care of its problems and is always ready to come to the rescue even in unusual situations. In turn, the community also meets the police officers and helps, - noted Stanislav Perlin.
Of the 56 territorial communities existing in Kharkiv region, the project “Community Police Officer” has been implemented on the territory of 20 communities, where 34 police officers are on duty. Also, 13 police officers are currently being trained on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who from the second half of December will begin to serve in Solonitsivska, Novovodolazhsky, Krasnokutsk, Blyznyukovsky, Barvinkivsk, Petropavlovsk, Bogodukhiv and Vysochany communities.
- If there is order in the communities, every citizen will feel protected, - added the deputy head of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region Vitaly Guz.
As noted by the deputy head of the GUNP in Kharkiv region Serhiy Chovpan, the police officer of the community is a person who knows about the problems of the community. He communicates with educators, schoolchildren, authorities, is always ready to get involved in any problem. Currently, image materials have been prepared, keychains, posters, which the police will distribute to students, students, community members.
Reference: from November 15 to December 12, competitive selection for 15 positions in Balakleyska, Bogodukhiv, Donetsk, Vilkhiv, Merefyan, Natalyna, Novopokrovskaya, Novovodolazka, Slobozhanska, Solonitsivska and Starovoriv territorial communities continues.
Police Communication Department of Kharkiv Oblast