Two people were detained in Sumy region on suspicion of extorting a bribe for enrolling a child in the lyceum of the State Fiscal Service

12.06.2021 16:50

An officer with the rank of colonel and his accomplice demanded and received from the citizen an illegal benefit in the amount of 1 thousand US dollars for assistance in ensuring that her son was enrolled in the DPSU lyceum.

Today, in Sumy region, on the basis of the crime stipulated in Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the fact of illegal activity of a military official of the State Lyceum Boarding School with enhanced military-physical training “Cadet Corps” named after I.G. has been documented. Kharitonenko of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The officer of the rank of colonel and his accomplice demanded and received from the citizen an illegal benefit in the amount of USD 1 thousand for assistance in ensuring that her son was enrolled in the above-mentioned educational institution.

Both accomplices, after receiving illegal benefits, were detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine. Illegal funds have been withdrawn.

Now the issue of notifying them of suspicion of committing a criminal offense, provided for in Part 3 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the selection of preventive measures. At present, urgent investigative actions are ongoing.

The events were carried out under the operational support of the Department of Internal and Own Security on the Sumy Border Detachment of the GVVB “East” of the State DPS under the procedural guidance of the Sumy Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the military and defense sphere of the Central Region and investigators of the Fourth Investigative Department (with a location in the city. Sumy) Territorial Department of the State Bureau of Investigation, located in the city of Poltava.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

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