International field training “EU-CHEM-REACT 2" has been completed in Lviv region
Today, the International field training that took place in Lviv region within the framework of the EU-CHEM-REACT 2 project with the participation of 5 countries was completed. Ukraine was represented by Lviv State University of Life Safety.
Participants of the exercises from Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, the Republic of Poland and Ukraine worked out algorithms for three days during the elimination of emergency situations of various nature: distribution of hazardous chemicals on the road, accidents, fires in a 9-storey building, elimination of unknown biological contamination and threats in the border zone, etc.
In the process of liquidation of the emergency, the Emergency Liquidation Headquarters, the TEB Commission and the international headquarters of OSOCC worked. Importantly, the countries acted as one cohesive team, despite the complexity and specificity of the exercises being that neither the headquarters nor the participants knew what the next event would be, nor did they prepare for it in advance.
At the end of the training, the Rector of the University, Professor Miroslav Koval thanked all those present for the fruitful work.
“A safe Europe is a strong Europe.” I wish everyone good health and safe return home,” he said.
In turn, the coordinator of the project Krzysztof Paturej also thanked everyone for their participation in the exercises, and the Vice President of the Voluntary Fire Service of the Republic of Poland Veslav Lisnikewicz once again stressed that cooperation with Ukraine took place at a high level and brought excellent results What kind of fruit for all participants.
Therefore, the main goal of the three-day training was achieved: despite the fact that different countries take part in the training, participants communicate in different languages, rescuers, doctors, psychologists and other services had a unique opportunity to learn how to act together, helping each other.
These trainings are special and unique because they took place for the first time after a long break due to the pandemic. The European community has once again shown its unity, and the exercises carried out during the exercises will be remembered for a long time in the memory of all participants.
According to the materials of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine