The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain will deepen cooperation between units of juvenile prevention

28.10.2021 17:03

Today, October 28, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ekaterina Pavlichenko held a meeting with Ambassador of Spain Silvia Cortes Martin and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain at the Embassy of Spain in Ukraine Jose Alonso Albert.

During the meeting, issues of further cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain in the field of human rights protection were discussed. Prospective direction of cooperation on prevention and counteraction of domestic violence, exchange of experience on the use of electronic means of controlling offenders, as well as issues of respect for children's rights, in particular in the context of prevention of child exploitation, begging and trafficking in children, is outlined.

Ekaterina Pavlichenko said that Ukraine has ratified the Convention on the Prohibition and Immediate Measures to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor, and the Law “On Protection of Childhood” is in force in the country, which defines the basic rights of the child.

“For the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine today, the topics of forming a safe childhood and preventing and combating domestic violence are key, and therefore the best policies and practices are being developed taking into account international experience,” the Deputy Minister noted.

According to the results of the meeting, the parties outlined further steps in the development of bilateral relations. In particular, they agreed on the exchange of experience between the specialists of the units of juvenile prevention of the National Police of Ukraine and the experts of the Kingdom of Spain.

“We highly appreciate the cooperation with the Embassy of Spain in Ukraine and our joint work. We hope that our relations will only strengthen in the future,” said Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PHOTO by Andriy Novitskogo

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