The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a complex of preventive measures to avoid provocations at the border with the Republic of Moldova - Denis Monastyrsky

19.11.2021 11:18

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine together with other law enforcement agencies have developed a set of preventive measures to prevent provocations in areas of potential penetration of illegal migrants. It is about timely detection and neutralization of instigators, conductors, other suspicious persons.

This was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky during a speech in the Verkhovna Rada.

“We carry out this activity together with our intelligence agencies and the Security Service of Ukraine. Joint exercises are planned. We use units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, units of territorial defense, public formations for the protection of public order and the state border. That is, all those who have the right and obligation to stand in defense of the state border,” the head of the law enforcement agency stressed.

He added that the propagandists of the aggressor country will never miss the opportunity to inflame passions in the event of a negative development of the situation.

“We pay special attention to strategic communications and prepare a powerful information campaign. Citizens of Ukraine should clearly understand what is happening, be aware of all the dangers of a potential migration crisis, know in any way who and how they will notify in case of detection of illegal migrants in border areas,” he stressed.

Recall that in the State Budget for next year it is necessary to provide UAH 17 billion for the construction of the state border with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus with a total length of more than 2.5 thousand km.

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