The Ministry of Internal Affairs works with AHs so that victims of domestic violence can get help everywhere — Denis Monastyrsky

25.11.2021 16:38

This was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky during the opening of the exhibition “Thing in tim 2.0”.

Every year from November 25 to December 10, the World Action “16 Days of Activism Against Violence” takes place, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of society and raise the level of awareness of the population. Today, Ukraine is once again joining it. In Kyiv, at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, under the patronage of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, with the participation of First Lady Elena Zelenskaya and the Ministry of Social Policy, the exhibition “Thing in tim 2.0” was launched.

“Violence has different manifestations — cruelty of children towards parents, manifestations of aggression of parents towards children. This is all seen by children who stay with it throughout their lives, who then form our society with you. When we hold events like today, we take a step towards better values. The state plans to open centers for those affected by domestic violence in each regional center of Ukraine. Domestic violence has become visible, the police are receiving more reports, and citizens have realized that they will receive help if they need it,” said Denis Monastyrsky.

The head of the law enforcement agency noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs focuses on cooperation with the regions:

“A greater number of police officers are being adequately trained to respond professionally to domestic violence. We make every effort to ensure that such assistance is received even in the smallest settlements. The Ministry of Internal Affairs sees the need to reform the Juvenile Police. We have introduced a new project “Safety Educator”, which is designed to respond to manifestations of violence in schools. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will do everything necessary to ensure that every day the problem of domestic violence has its solution.”

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska stressed that domestic violence can only be fought with indifference.

“One in four who has faced domestic violence is silent about it. Because of fear, helplessness, and even worse - because he has already resigned himself and believes that nothing can be done, which should be the case, - Elena Zelenskaya outlined the problem. - Where it is difficult for people to speak, things have been said for them. They say that weapons in one hand are protection, in others - threat. Just as it turned out, with any objects,” said Elena Zelenska.

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olga Stefanishina stressed that domestic violence is a social tragedy that affects every third Ukrainian family:

“This year we began to notice real changes that are taking place in the state — the coordinated work of all services and departments, the hotline has started working, the number of appeals about cases of violence is constantly growing.”

Minister of Social Policy Marina Lazebna urged citizens trapped in domestic violence not to remain silent, but to turn to the state for help, to change their lives: “The number of appeals to us increased by 45% per year, children began to apply 5 times more often, men began to apply twice as often.”

Osnat Lubrani, Coordinator of the UN System in Ukraine, noted that the UN is proud of its partnership with government agencies of Ukraine, NGOs and society in combating domestic violence.

“The COVID 19 pandemic has increased the number of domestic violence cases, the number of victims has increased. However, we can safely say that in Ukraine there are many more opportunities for victims of domestic abusers to break the circle, get away from the abuser and get help from the state,” she said.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko, who moderated the action, invited the participants to take part in the flash mob:

“16 Days Against Violence is not just an information campaign. These are days of activism. Therefore, I want to invite everyone present on the square to join the flashmob. We will raise the orange palms up. Orange is the color of the fight against violence around the world.

This year, 16 Ukrainian stars and famous people took part in the information campaign “Rich u tim 2.0”, who starred in videos and passed every story through themselves.

The title “The Thing in Tim” is a play on words that brings together the concept of the exhibition, which will present 16 real household objects that were used as tools of violence, and a linguistic twist to explain the problem of violence: “the thing is that domestic violence is closer than it seems”, “the thing is that people who have experienced violence are afraid to talk about it”, “the thing is that rapists do not consider themselves violent”, etc.

The objects presented in this exhibition took place in real events related to domestic violence, according to information provided by the National Police of Ukraine. They took place in real life in Ukraine. For the sake of peace of those who have experienced domestic violence, only the details have been changed. The screenwriter and director of the project this year will be Iryna Tsilyk — winner of the Sundance Film Festival (2020) for the best directorial work in the category of world documentary film for the film “The Earth is Blue, Like an Orange”.

The campaign was attended by Masha Yefrosinina, Dmitry Shurov, Zlata Ognevich, Tonya Matvienko, Sergey Kryvtsov, Sergey Dmitriev, Ekaterina Molchanova, Irma Vitovska, Lesya Matveeva, Anna Neplyakh, Akhtem Semen Itablayev, Alexander Kolyada, Elena Dashutina, Olya Tsybulskaya, Sofia Andrukhovich, Artem Chekh.

For 16 days (from November 25 to December 10), the exhibition will be available to the public on the 2nd floor of the shopping center “Gulliver”. Videos created as part of the “Thing in Team 2.0” campaign can be viewed at

Recall that in the National Police there are constantly mobile response teams for domestic violence. Today, there are 86 of them in operation throughout the territory of Ukraine. They work in 67 cities of the country, where there are no such units, other police representatives work. In the last 10 months of work, the National Police received 267 thousand applications, which is 53% more than in the same period last year. The number of administrative protocols against domestic abusers increased by 50%. Issued 15% more urgent injunctions.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PHOTO by Mykola Anatskogo

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