The Ministry of Internal Affairs actively implements a political course on integration into the Euro-Atlantic security space — Tetiana Kovalchuk

17.06.2021 18:02

Today, 17 June, Deputy Minister Tatiana Kovalchuk met with the Deputy Director of the NATO Office in Ukraine Helena Akiwumi and Kenneth Murup, Coordinator of International Advisory Assistance of the NATO Mission in Ukraine.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the issues of further cooperation and the identification of priority areas for cooperation, in particular within the framework of the updated package of NATO Partnership Goals within the framework of the Force Planning and Evaluation Process.

Tetiana Kovalchuk stressed the importance and activity in the implementation of the Euro-Atlantic course by the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “We are fully aware that not only the Armed Forces, but the whole state join the Alliance, therefore, together with our colleagues from the Ministry of Defense, we define Euro-Atlantic integration as a key element of the reform the establishment of the institutions of the security and defense sector, as evidenced by the systematic and effective implementation of the political course of the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for integration into the Euro-Atlantic security space”.

The defined priorities for the development of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are reflected in the strategic objectives of the Annual National Programs under the auspices of the KUN and the PPOS Partnership Goals. Achieving the criteria necessary for membership in NATO is a roadmap for the development of the Ministry of the Interior and the bodies that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is actively involved in the implementation of the key national systemic strategic planning document — the Annual National Program under the auspices of Ukraine — NATO. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system were the executors and co-executors of almost 50% of all planned activities in 2020. This trend remains in 2021.

Regarding the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Force Planning and Evaluation Process, it should be noted that the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are the main executors of the 14 Partnership Goals, which represents approximately 30% of their total number (46 CPOs), as well as the co-executor of the 14 Partnership Goals with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and other components of the security and defense sector. Overall, the Ministry of Internal Affairs system is the executors and co-executors of approximately 60% of the new package of Partnership Goals, which in turn demonstrates the active participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Force Planning and Evaluation Process.

Within the framework of the NATO Enhanced Capabilities Partnership, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sees its role in activities aimed at strengthening security in the Black Sea and increasing the participation of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system in NATO training and exercises, in particular on the elimination of the consequences of natural, man-made, military, civil-military cooperation, Responding to hybrid threats with the involvement of forces and special equipment.

Among the key areas, priority areas requiring additional support from NATO are identified, namely:

- cyber security;

- professional development of the personnel of the bodies of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as well as the implementation of educational projects;

- capacity building in medical and psychological rehabilitation.

First of all, it is the creation of a single system of medical and psychological rehabilitation in medical rehabilitation centers (MRIs) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which would meet high world, in particular, European standards, as well as training specialists in the relevant field.

Summing up the meeting, Tetiana Kovalchuk stressed that Euro-Atlantic integration is one of the key and inevitable directions of development, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs is interested in developing dialogue and intensifying cooperation with NATO in all areas in the security sphere.

Photo by Andriy Novytskyi

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