The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement Activities supported the draft law №5798 on the launch of the system of public traffic control

16.12.2021 10:04

The purpose of this draft law is to radically reduce the number of accidents and deaths on the roads, increase the transparency of the work of the National Police of Ukraine.

The document will allow citizens to record on their smartphones violations by drivers of several particularly dangerous violations of traffic rules, such as: driving at a red light, crossing a double continuous lane, violation of the rules of passage through railway crossings.

What will change for road users if the draft law 5798 is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada?

Today, road users can not do anything if they see brutal traffic violations by other traffic participants. And impunity on the roads leads to mass death of people.

Recall that in 2020, more than 3500 people died on the roads of Ukraine, and since 1991, more than 180 thousand Ukrainians have lost their lives on the roads.

In case of adoption of the draft law No. 5798, road traffic participants will be able to record other traffic violations on their smartphones and instantly send video evidence of traffic violations to the National Police.

Legislative changes and modern technologies make the mechanism for submitting and processing applications as fast, transparent and effective as possible.

The law will allow the police to issue in the name of the car owner an electronic decree on the imposition of a fine for violation of traffic rules filmed on a smartphone.

The owner of the car will receive a notification on his smartphone or mail about the violation of traffic rules and will receive a video of the moment of violation.

If he was not behind the wheel, then the owner can inform the person to whom he entrusted his car about the need to pay a fine.

The bill also clearly defines the list of types of violations that can be fixed using the application. The focus is on those violations that lead to numerous victims. This is driving at a red light, turning through a double continuous lane, violation of the rules of passage of railway crossings, as well as not giving an advantage in driving an ambulance.

During the heated and reasoned debate, the deputies also decided that there will be no remuneration for those who recorded a violation of the VAT in the form of 10% of the amount of the paid fine. The necessary amendments to the bill will be made by submitting amendments to the second reading.

What are the main advantages of Bill 5798?

● The inevitability of punishment. It doesn't matter if there are police or cameras on the road. Traffic violations are seen by all drivers nearby, therefore, the violator will be punished for creating a danger to other road users. ● Equality before the law of all citizens.

It doesn't matter who you are if you violate traffic rules. If a deputy, a police officer, a minister or a judge has violated, everyone will be responsible for their actions in the same way as any citizen of Ukraine. ● compliance with the constitutional principle of popular rule.

Everyone will be able to participate in ensuring that violators of traffic rules are brought to justice, and the roads of Ukraine become safer.

Minimum costs.

On the part of the state, only minimal costs for data processing from the system will be required. It can be launched in just one day and cover all roads of Ukraine. It will not be profitable
to violate traffic rules because the crime will be much greater when not only police officers, but also hundreds of thousands of caring citizens will be monitored on the road.

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