The command of the National Guard of Ukraine and the commander of the General Inspectorate of Carabiners of Moldova discussed possible areas of cooperation

17.06.2021 13:01

In the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine there was a working meeting of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine with the delegation of the Inspectorate of Carabiners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, which was personally headed by the Commander-General Colonel Stefan Pavlov.

The foreign delegation arrived in Ukraine to visit the XXVI International Exhibition “Weapons and Security”, which is currently taking place from June 14 to 18 at the International Exhibition Center, and, taking advantage of the opportunity, paid a courtesy visit to the National Guard.

At the beginning of the event, Colonel-General Mykola Balan and the Moldovan delegation honored the memory of the Hero of Ukraine Major General Serhiy Kulchitsky with the laying of flowers and a minute of silence, and later, after the official meeting, visited the Central Museum of the Main Directorate, where they got acquainted with significant events from the history of NGU.

Foreign colleagues were introduced to the main tasks and functions of the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as its role and place in the security and defense system of our country.

Also, representatives of the delegation were acquainted with training courses of NGU units, for training in which in the future it is possible to involve servicemen of similar formations of partner countries. Colonel Oleksandr Kryachko — Head of the International Interdepartmental Multidisciplinary Center for Training of Units of NGU, in turn told about the history, directions of activity and prospects for the development of the center, which he heads.

Representatives of the Inspectorate of Carabiners of the Republic of Moldova expressed interest in the experience of the National Guard of Ukraine on joining the FIEP International Association. For his part, the commander of the NGU, Colonel-General Mykola Balan informed about the stages of obtaining the status of a full member of the International Association of Gendarmerie and Police Forces in the status of a military institution FIEP by the National Guard.

“From the very beginning of the creation of the new National Guard of Ukraine, taking into account the restoration of the strategic course of the state towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration, one of the main goals of the NGU was to achieve interoperability with similar structures of the EU and NATO member states, as well as the accession of the NGU to the International Association FIEP. In view of this, in 2015 it was decided to initiate the accession process to the Association,” said Colonel-General Mykola Balan.

For reference: Carabiner troops of the Republic of Moldova passed the first three stages of joining the Association. The next stage will be the visit of the Evaluation Mission of the Association, which is proposed to include a representative of the National Guard of Ukraine, to the Carabiner Troops of the Republic of Moldova for a more detailed acquaintance with the activities of the candidate structure. The discussion of possible dates and candidates of FIEP member structures to participate in the work of the Association's Evaluation Mission in the Republic of Moldova is currently being discussed.

During the discussion of cooperation issues, the parties reached an agreement on the need to start cooperation within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the General Inspectorate of Carabiners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and the National Guard of Ukraine, which is currently in the process of approval.

For reference: in accordance with the draft memorandum, the parties will cooperate in the following areas:

— ensuring, maintaining and restoring public order;

— restoration of public order in cases of mass unrest;

— prevention and fight against crimes (offenses) in the sphere of public order;

— ensuring the protection of diplomatic missions, consular offices and other representative offices of foreign states;

— exchange of methodological developments and training programs for instructors/groups of instructors in the areas of canology during patrols and special actions, detection of explosives, bodies of people, etc.;

— activities in areas such as engineering, high-altitude, sniper, parachute, medical training, as well as tactics of operations of special purpose units;

— Preparatory measures for international operations and missions;

— development of psychological endurance and teamwork in crisis situations;

— management during crisis situations and risk analysis;

— personnel management.

The parties expressed interest in expanding further cooperation.

Press service of the NGU


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