Kateryna Pavlichenko: Participants of the contest “Sketch of the Invincible” — the seer of the unbreakable will

15.05.2021 16:31

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Kateryna Pavlichenko attended the opening ceremony of the “Vita of the Unconquered” competition, in which servicemen and veterans of combat operations who received injuries, injuries and illnesses during the performance of official duty in the combat zone, and congratulated the participants.

“Let your example be a model of unbreakable will and determination for all the people of our country. Because your will is stronger than the body,” the deputy minister stressed.

Also, Ekaterina Pavlichenko noted that these are the largest competitions among servicemen and veterans, in which employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take part.

“It is full of pride that employees and veterans of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take part in the competition, who remain faithful to their official and civic duty, oath and Motherland,” the deputy minister said.

For reference: According to the results of today's competitions, the National Team of Ukraine of 40 combatants will be formed, which will represent our country for the first time at the international competitions Warrior Games in September 2021 in Orlando (USA), in which more than 500 combatants from 8 countries of the world will take part (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Georgia, Denmark, Ukraine).

Photo by Oleg Suprun

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