Guards Air Defense Unit Completes Training Near Mariupol

18.07.2021 10:52

Near Mariupol, the field exit of the air defense unit of a separate detachment of the special purpose military unit 3057 of the National Guard of Ukraine was completed. The

main purpose of the training is to increase the level of organization of combat in various conditions, to establish effective management of calculations in combat and to raise the level of field training of personnel.

The personnel of the calculations during the week honed their skills from reconnaissance of the air enemy on the ground, the fight against UAVs, ending with the execution of firing exercises from ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft installations.

“The outcome of the battle depends on the coherence of the joint actions of the personnel in different combat conditions, so it is important that the commanders get practice in management, and the calculations understand their main task,” said Major Maxim Litvinov, head of air defense of military unit 3057.

During the exercises, the fighters gained theoretical and practical knowledge on the management of anti-aircraft installations. Improved skills in determining distance to targets, navigating terrain, moving to and from firing position to shelter. In addition, the order of operation of mechanisms, charging and discharging, the correctness of the destruction of air and ground targets were worked out.

The final stage of field exercises was tactical training with combat shooting, where the calculations were tasked with destroying a conventional enemy, both air and ground. Here, the anti-aircraft guns had to use all their skills and abilities and hit all targets as much as possible. According to the head of the air defense unit 3057, all calculations were coped with the tasks.

Press service of the NGU

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