FRONTEX experts from Greece, Estonia and Romania will work together with border guards at the border with Moldova

21.06.2021 15:21

The State Border Guard Service is constantly developing international
cooperation. Cooperation with the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine is carried out on the basis of a Working Arrangement between FRONTEX Agency and the State Fiscal Service on the establishment of operational cooperation signed on June 11, 2007 and Operational Cooperation Plans signed every 3 years (the last The plan is signed for 2019 — 2021).

The other day at the Kuchurgan checkpoint, on the border with Moldova, the border guards of the Podolsk detachment met with the coordinator of joint operations of the FRONTEX Agency.

A coordination meeting was held, at which three experts — from Greece, Estonia and Romania — who will work at the Kuchurgan checkpoint as part of joint operations were presented.

The objectives of joint cooperation between FRONTEX Agency and the State Border Guard Service are: countering illegal migration and cross-border crime by means of border control, strengthening security at the borders between EU Member States and Ukraine, developing good relations and mutual trust between border guards at the borders between the countries EU Member States and Ukraine.

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