Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs and Mariupol City Council agree to jointly combat domestic violence

05.11.2021 16:45

Everyone should feel safe both on the street and at home. This is one of the main goals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs and Mariupol City Council took an important step towards its implementation, signing a memorandum of cooperation on November 5, 2021.

It addresses cooperation on gender equality, preventing and combating domestic violence and combating trafficking in human beings. The document was signed by the rector of DonDUVS Serhiy Vitvitsky and the secretary of the Mariupol City Council Kseniy Sukhova.

Serhiy Vitvitskyi noted that the issues enshrined in the document are relevant for the whole world. The University is already making a lot of efforts to provide assistance to the residents of the Mariupol community and to contribute to the information campaign in this direction. “Protecting the safety and tranquility of people is what we teach our cadets first,” the rector added.

“Our common goal is zero tolerance for domestic violence. Together with the university, we want not only to inform students about the fight against domestic violence and the importance of gender equality, but also to jointly hold events, actions aimed at informing residents about these phenomena and possible assistance,” said Ksenia Sukhova.

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