On the occasion of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers: Memories of the servicemen of the NGU Training Center who defended peace during the UN mission

29.05.2021 09:54

In 2002, the General Assembly declared May 29 the International Day of Peacekeepers, which was initiated by the Ukrainian Association of Peacekeepers. This date is intended to pay tribute to the self-sacrifice and dedication of peacekeepers who serve around the world.

Peacekeeping troops are also called the “Blue Helmets”, which are the irregular army of the UN. Peacekeeping missions prevent mass atrocities, save lives, and lay the foundations for world-building. Today, peacekeeping operations solve the task of rebuilding countries that were on the verge of collapse as a result of prolonged conflicts.

Over 70 years, more than 1 million people have served under the UN flag. Over the history of the UN peacekeeping force, more than three thousand “blue helmets” have given their lives in the name of peace.

On Peacekeeper's Day, selfless and courageous guys who lead civilians out of dangerous battle points are congratulated. Among other things, the “Blue Helmets” make every effort to resolve conflicts peacefully, monitor the implementation of peace agreements, contribute to the resolution of crisis situations, the recovery of the economy after the destruction and in the creation of state structures.

Mykhailo Petrylyak began his military career in the National Guard of Ukraine at the Training Center of NGU since 2005. Before that, he was on active duty for another year and studied at the Academy of the National Guard for four.

He has repeatedly participated in UN peacekeeping missions. In particular, in 2007 — a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo as part of the peacekeeping unit of Ukraine, from 2010 to 2018 — South Sudan, where he was awarded a certificate of appreciation from the Chief Commissioner of Police in the UN Mission of South Sudan.

In 2014, Mykhailo Petryliak participated in military missions in the area of the Joint Forces in eastern Ukraine, showing courage, courage and patriotism.

On August 4, 2019, Lieutenant Colonel Mykhailo Petrylyak joined the UN international operation to maintain peace and security in the Republic of South Sudan.

The chief sergeant of the platoon, Senior Ensign Anatoly Andriienko, does not know in words about the peacekeeping mission. During 2005-2006, he served in Kosovo, serving as a patrol officer of the 1st Operational Platoon of the Special Peacekeeping Unit.

“I am a patriot of my country, but in order to maintain the prestige of my state and support foreign colleagues, I became a peacemaker. I experienced the greatest excitement when we returned home, falling into turbulence, we all experienced fear, because each of us was full of desire to return to our relatives and loved ones, to our native land,” said Senior Ensign Anatoly Andriienko. Colonel Oleksandr Demchuk, who held the position of Deputy Head of the Educational Center of the NGU, became the first peacekeeper to the new mission for Ukraine from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for maintaining peace and security in Abiya.

For Ukrainian military peacekeeping missions are not only a good opportunity to gain international experience, but also an opportunity to show their highly qualified and professional skills, showing that professionals are trained in our country.

Congratulations to peacekeepers on a professional holiday! Let the experience gained be the right guide on the way to fulfill the most important mission — to do good and ensure international peace!

Information and Communication Group of NC of NGU

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