DDUVS for the safety of children on the road!

19.05.2021 10:13

All people throughout their lives are pedestrians and passengers of various types of transport. When we get into transport, we become passengers. Getting out of it — on foot. Both adults and children fall under the wheels of cars on the roads. Those affected mostly neglect important rules. It was about them that they decided to remind the students of the Dnieper secondary schools at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

The event at the educational institution was organized on the occasion of the Global Road Safety Week, which in 2021 is celebrated in the world from May 17 to 23 and with the aim of safe handling of children on the road, the formation of skills in solving non-standard situations, the ability to apply knowledge from traffic rules.

Teachers of the Department of Tactical and Special Training provided recommendations on how to act for witnesses of a traffic accident, in particular, how to properly call an ambulance. Children were also reminded of the responsibility of pedestrians, cyclists and passengers.

“Children are our future, and we, as adults, have the opportunity to teach children the basics of safe behavior on the street, to teach understanding of what is most important to a person is health and life. Therefore, our university traditionally holds a road safety week, the purpose of which is to prevent traffic injuries with the participation of children and to realize the need to develop skills to comply with the rules of behavior on the road”, - noted the associate professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Training, Instructor on Home Care and Tactics of medicine Stanislav Mironyuk.

Qualified instructors demonstrated several master classes on providing home care for children of different age categories.

The first situation is hitting a pedestrian. Teachers showed the children how to act so as not to harm the ambulance before the arrival of the ambulance. In particular, demonstrated methods of stopping bleeding.

The second accident is assistance to passengers who are in a car that has been involved in an accident. The children received the most important recommendation from the instructors - not to reach the injured person, because the car can be dangerous for those who try to do so. The children were given clear instructions on how to properly call an ambulance in a particular case, including what information should be voiced to the dispatcher.

Also during the classes, the following techniques were considered: approach, assessment of the state of fainting of the victim on the AVPU scale; breath check: norm, pathology; basic rules and technique of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation; safe lateral position.

After the demonstration of the techniques by the teachers — the children practiced the techniques on special mannequins.

Teacher of secondary school No. 19 Vera Ponomarenko is convinced that the foundations of safe behavior on the road are laid at preschool age, the importance of such activities for schoolchildren is not at all in doubt. “Our children are active, not always attentive on the road. It is one thing when children hear information from their teachers, and quite another when real police officers tell about the rules of the road. The administration and staff of our school are grateful to the staff of the University of Internal Affairs for their assistance in holding such meetings. We hope that this meeting will protect our children from unpleasant situations on the road,” the teacher said.

At the end of the meeting, the children received reflective bracelets as a gift. In this way, the organizers of the event took care of the safety of young pedestrians.

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