About 200 soldiers of the NGU arrived in Uman to ensure public order during the Rosh Hashanah celebration

03.09.2021 10:15

The guards, together with the police, will serve during the mass stay of the Hasidim in Uman. The head of the Main Department of the National Police in the Cherkasy region Mikhail Kuratchenko has already conducted a targeted briefing, outlined the tasks of the police for the next 10 days.

Among the main tasks of law enforcement officers is to ensure public order in places of compact residence and stay of Hasidic pilgrims and to prevent any offenses.

As noted, from September 1 to 6, more than 20, 000 thousand Hasidic pilgrims will arrive on the territory of Uman. In total, this year, according to preliminary estimates, about 50 thousand pilgrims from around the world are expected to arrive.

Also from September 3, a delegation of 11 police officers from Israel will arrive to assist us in ensuring public safety and order.

Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine will serve around the clock, there will be both stationary posts and walking routes, patrolling the central part of the city of Uman and near the lake around the bathing places of pilgrims.

In addition, the guards, together with employees of the National Police of Ukraine, carry out a set of measures to ensure public safety at the international airport “Boryspil”. The service will be held on the days of mass arrival of pilgrims and after the end of the celebration on the days of departure.

Close interaction with other components of the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes it possible to respond in a timely manner to possible threats and provide timely assistance and effectively ensure the safety of citizens during the celebrations.

Press service of the NGU

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