Ukraine and Japan would continue cooperating on updating Ukrainian National Police (PHOTO)

02.11.2016 15:30

Updating a system of regulation patrol and starting a digital radio communication “Digital Radio”, Centre of traffic management and a system of transparent “KOBAN” police stations – all these issues were discussed on November 2 at the meeting held between the Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine Shigeki Sumi.

During the meeting, Mr. Arsen Avakov thanked Mr. Shigeki Sumi for the preparation and organization of meetings with senior officials of the Government of Japan. "As a result of this visit, the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine is planning the implementation of new projects in the National Police of Ukraine", – the head of the Interior Ministry said.

Ambassador Shigeki Sumi said that Japanese were pleased to host a delegation of Ministry of Interior of Ukraine and demonstrated leading police technologies. “Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Japan and the National Public Safety Commission had a positive impression of Ukrainian delegation in Japan. Tokyo considers Ukrainian Ministry of Interior to be a reliable partner and will continue to support the reform of security sector of Ukraine”, – said the Ambassador.

He also said that the Japan is interested in continuing the exchange of experience in the field of road safety and is considering providing trainings for representatives of National Police of Ukraine.

During the meeting Arsen Avakov also passed Shigeki Sum a letter addressed to Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Fumio Kishida, with a description of processes of reforming the Ministry of Interior and proposals for implementation of new projects in Ukraine.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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