The operational headquarters and all subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are switching to an intensified mode of operation from April, 16

16.04.2019 09:48

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has enough forces to ensure public order for elections and on election day.

"From tomorrow, the operational headquarters under the leadership of the First Deputy Minister Serhiy Yarovyi goes into an intensified mode of operation. Accordingly, all departments, coordinating staffs in all regions shift to the intensified mode of operation. We have enough strength to ensure public order on the day of voting and before the day of voting ", - said the advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Filenko.

In turn, the advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Stoiko noted that the police would take round-the-clock guarding of local election commissions:

"We are ready to transport the ballot papers to the local election commissions, which start in a few days. Already on Thursday-Friday they must be delivered. The police, other services will take the round-the-clock guarding of the local election commissions. Similarly, in the opposite direction, these protocols will be delivered to district election commissions according to the routes we have developed. There will be no less effort and resources than during the first round of elections. "

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