Arsen Avakov: Ten heads of forestry enterprises of Rivno region were arrested (PHOTOS)

05.03.2017 12:32

On March 5, 2017, the employees of the NPU Department for the Protection of Economy together with the Military Prosecutor's Office conducted a special operation to eradicate corruption in the forestry enterprises of the Rivno region of Ukraine. It covered all structure of the forestry administration in the region, from the lowest level to the top.

За його словами, щоб спокійно працювати "по закону", директора лісгоспів заносили керівництву десятки тисяч євро. А ті, в свою чергу, домовлялися з контролюючими службами про позитивний результат їх перевірок. 

"To carry out their work smoothly and "according to the law", the directors of the local forestry enterprises brought to the regional forestry managers tens of thousands of euros.  And those, in turn, "persuaded" the state  monitoring services to present the positive results of their inspections. Law enforcers exposed this scheme. Ten persons were detained, including current acting head and former head of the Forestry and Hunting Administration of the Rivno region and eight directors of the local forestry enterprises who "dutifully" worked even on weekends", - said the Minister of Internal Affairs.

It should be noted that the former head of the Forestry and Hunting Administration left his position a month ago.  But it did not harmed the "corruption pyramid" as the the newly appointed chief continued "business" of his predecessor.

"Eight directors of the local forestry enterprises brought 15 thousand euros and five thousand dollars to the managers of the regional  Forestry and Hunting Administration.  This money had to be handed to inspectors from the State Forestry Agency in order to conceal infringements detected.  This is corruption in its classical form.  We received high quality documentary proofs of misdeeds from both sides: those who took bribes and those who gave them!  I would like to thank the staff of the NPU Office for the Protection of Economy in the Rivno region and the Military Prosecutor's office for the excellent joint work and prompt detention.  Step by step, we shall eradicate corruption", said Arsen Avakov.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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