Arsen Avakov: TV channel «Inter» has received an order from the Kremlin to tarnish the image of Turchinov, Yatsenyuk and me (PHOTO)

09.08.2016 13:59

Such a conclusion can be drawn from the correspondence between the citizens of Russia  Leonid Murav'jev and Maria Stoliarova, who worked in the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter", and their Moscow supervisors and leaders of the so called DNR.  This correspondence was made public recently. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov announced this on August 9th.

He said that among the anti-Ukrainian orders that Leonid Murav'jev and Maria Stoliarova got in August 2015 there was a task to organize a wave of black PR against a number of Ukrainian politicians.

"The analysis of the correspondence of these Kremlin hirelings identified the main targets of the Russian propaganda.  The first in this list of the Moscow-promoted stories was a package of vilifying materials about the NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov" -  said the head of the MIA.

Arsen Avakov said that this list also mentioned the packages of negative information about the ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Head of the VRU Committee on Issues of Culture and Spirituality Nicholay Knyazhytsky, as well as the head of the VRU Committee on National Security  and Defense Sergei Pashinsky and others.

"Thus, the Russian journalists who has formed the information policy of the "Inter" TV channel  carried out the orders of the Kremlin" - said Arsen Avakov.

According to him, the aim of this mass media campaign was the information destruction of those Ukrainian public figures whom the Russian leadership saw as its main enemies.

The minister suggested that similar orders may be possibly performed by the other pro-Russian media, which still feel quite confident in Ukraine.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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