Arsen Avakov: Situation Analysis Centre in the city of Dnepr has shown good results during a year of work (PHOTO, VIDEO)

01.11.2016 16:47

During his working trip to the city of Dnepr on November 2, 2016, the Minister of Internal Affairs visited the Main Directorate of the National Police (GUNP) in the Dnepropetrovsk region where he was acquainted with the work of the situation centre and with a mobile analytical center, equipped with modern surveillance cameras, which were able to recognize faces even at a great distance. 

Situation center started to function in August 2015 as a pilot experimental unit at GUNP in the Dnepropetrovsk region.  During this period a powerful analytical base of security related information  has  been created which recently helped to uncover several high-profile crimes.

Situation centre is a room equipped with the latest communication technology and tools designed for real-time management decision-making, control and monitoring of various objects and situations.  Now nine people work in the centre.

The centre collects and accumulates data from different sources;  interprets it, analyses received information and provides it to the police units; forecasts development of the criminogenic trends and situations.

«Situation center in Dnepr produced good results of its work during the year.  It demonstrated efficiency of the integrated approach to recording, processing and communication of information to the operational police units.  Dnepr became the first city in Ukraine where this technology has been implemented and other Ukrainian cities would follow in their turn»- said the Minister.

In the future, in addition to the creation of similar centers in other regions of Ukraine, MIA plans to establish coordination between such centers and the constant exchange of operational information.  This will allow to solve crimes of nationwide scale and expose the criminal groups which have international or inter-regional connections.

A few days ago at a meeting with the Japanese government, the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov discussed the possibility of introduction in Ukraine of the police command center that includes:  patrol control center, analytical services, and call-center.  The Minister stressed that in the largest cities of Japan such centers were already functioning and they have proved their efficiency: Japan now is one of the safest countries in the world.  He added that our foreign partners would provide assistance in the implementation of such centers, but the concept of the Ukrainian system would be developed by domestic experts taking into account the specifics and experience of our country.

Managers of the situation centre also demonstrated Ukraine's only car equipped with modern surveillance cameras that allowed shooting of the clear photos and videos under different weather conditions at a distance up to 150-200 m. This will allow law enforcers to recognize the faces of offenders in the crowds, track their movements in real-time regime and transmit the information to the police dispatch center. 

«According to the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» every citizen must be able to see clearly which car is engaged in surveillance.  Such specialized surveillance vehicle is a good means of crime prevention because when any ill-intentioned person, who wants to commit an offense, sees this vehicle he clearly understands the further consequences of his actions.  This is one of the National Police functions:  to monitor and prevent crimes», - stressed the Minister.


Situation centre is used to analyze and solve complex tasks in the event of abnormal and emergency situations.  During its work the staff of the centre has prepared 1545 analytical documents.

The centre monitors around the clock news in the Internet mass media and the Internet users comments, which have a resonant influence and may affect the operational situation in the region (including the information about upcoming protest actions, incidents of man-made and natural character, high-profile crimes, etc.).

Information of interest to the police is immediately reported to the management of the GUNP in order to take necessary measures.  From the May of this year, the staff of center has prepared 47 such informational materials.

Analysis of the situation on the basis of the received information  allows to predict the deterioration of the crime situation in the whole region or in certain districts, to take a decision on strengthening the region with additional police forces, and to orient the work of all police units in the proper direction.  It also allows to react to crimes in the real-time regime, to establish round of suspects or whereabouts of wanted persons and transmit information to operatives.

Centre staff monitors the Internet social networks in order to obtain information on violations among ethnic groups and religious communities, on the purchase and sale of weapons.  This information is sent to the criminal police units of the regional GUNP and to the security service office.

Particular attention is paid to the detecting of the persons involved in the weapons leakage from the ATO area, to ​​preventive actions against illegal armed groups operating in the east of Ukraine, to minimization of the threat of possible terrorist attacks, as well as to identification of persons, calling for actions aimed at violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

From November 7, 2015, the centre staff has processed and checked online more than 11 thousand messages (requests) on crimes and incidents from the phone hot-line «Service 102».

In the future it is planned to use the situation centre in the system for the police units control to perform the control and coordination  functions.  It must become a focal point to provide to the GUNP management  reasonable and informed drafts of management decisions.  Such approach will integrate the independent control component in the work of the police at the regional level and can contribute to the transparency of management and prevention of corruption.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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