Arsen Avakov: Law enforcement agencies would support rights of Ukrainians for peaceful mass protests

14.11.2016 13:36

Law enforcement agencies of Ukraine will take strict measures and prevent attempts to carry or use any weapon to provoke a violent confrontation or create a dangerous situation for civilians who are not participants of the protests. That’s what Minister of Interior of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said today, on 14th November.

He asked the National Guard and National Police to ensure peace and safety of both participants and non-participants during any mass protest.

"I order every employee to act quickly, decisively and professionally. Provocateurs and rebels should be detained and isolated. Their involvement, level of guilt and punishment would be determined by the court", - Arsen Avakov said.

The minister stressed that protests should be peaceful, without the usage of weapons, participation in them should be voluntary. The main task of law enforcement agencies’ is to ensure civil rights and security of every individual.

"I call on law enforcers to show another very important feature - endurance, patience and the ability to ensure the safety of protestors", - Arsen Avakov said.

Note: Deputy Ministry of Interior Sergiy Yarovyi announced that the staff of the National Police of Ukraine would serve more intense from 15 to 27 November. Around 5 thousand police officers would work in Kyiv these days.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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