Arsen Avakov: In the Italian court, the prosecution party uses as an evidence fake letter of the National Guard of Ukraine. This is another manifestation of the hybrid war.

17.05.2019 12:17

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said that in the case file of Guardsman Markiv, the prosecution side uses fake letter of NGUas  a proof.

In order to refute this, Colonel Konstantin Richtik, deputy commander-chief of 3066military base gave evidence in the court of Pavia. For the first time, the document allegedly, on his behalf,was sent to the ex-commander of the NGUYuriyAllerov with numerous mistakes on the propagandistic Russian site RusskayaVesna last year.

In the opinion of the authors of the falsehood, this letter should discredit the Italian judiciary by objective evidence of Ukrainian witnesses - the NGUservicemen. This is another manifestation of the hybrid war on the part of the Kremlin, to which Europe has not yet got used, said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

"InallegedNational Guard’s letter from the Russian propaganda resource has been submitted to the court. You are not accustomed to this, you have to understand that this is a common practice in our hybrid war. This is not a joke - it's a war, "ArsenAvakov said to Italian journalists at a court session break.

Arsen Avakov said that he had talked with the detainee VitaliyMarkiv.

"With the permission of the court, I talked to Vitalii, he was in a good mood. Having said that he has served and will serve Ukraine. We are here to support our soldier. And all the provocations that led to Markiv's arrest two years ago, I associate with the "Russian Spring" and the war against Ukraine. Today, here is the acting commander of the NGU and four guards, they provide exhaustive indications that completely refute the words of the prosecutor. We really expect that we will be heard. The "Case of Rockelli" in Ukraine is currently investigated by the SSU. The truth is that if the war goes and at the time of military operations in the necessary territory, it is impossible to carry out all investigative actions. Then on the territories of the ceramic factory there were the forces of illegal pro-Russian band-formations and Russian military personnel. We are very excited that after the fighting, these people will be able to show the investigation, "- he said.

Arsen Avakov emphasized that Markiv'sdefence side insisted that the prosecution arrived to Sloviansk at the place where  the situation happened and convince by themselfs in the absurdity of the accusations against our soldier. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is ready to assist the Italian law enforcement agencies in this and to ensure that such investigative actions are carried out

The Minister reminded that during the active phase of fighting in the Eastern Ukraine, the Italian Embassy officially warned its citizens about the danger of travel to the Donbas. But the journalist Andrea Rockelli went to hot spot on the side of Russian militant terrorists from the Gerkin group.

As a reminder,   today  May 17, the leadership of the Ministry of Interior and NGU testified in defense of serviceman VitaliyMarkiv, who is baselessly accused of murdering an Italian journalist.



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