Arsen Avakov: Desecration of a synagogue in Uman is an attempt to destabilize the Ukrainian-Israeli relations (VIDEO)

21.12.2016 15:43

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov called the attack on the synagogue in Uman an attempt to create a negative background for the Ukrainian-Israeli relations.  He stated this at the December 21st meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

"This is the second attempt to inflame anti-Semitic and xenophobic sentiments in Ukraine during the last 3 months. In October a rabbi, a citizen of Israel, was attacked.  We will severely punish all perpetrators of such violent acts. This is more than a criminal act, it is an attempt to introduce into Ukrainian society quite alien to us sentiments.  This is done to create a negative background for the Ukrainian-Israeli negotiations", - stressed the head of MIA.  He expressed a hope for prompt investigation of this case.

Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman supported  Arsen Avakov and urged to take all measures to punish perpetrators.

Reference:  on the night of December 20th unknown persons desecrated the memorial and grave of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, the founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement, in the Ukrainian town of Uman.  A pig's head was thrown into the synagogue and the room was doused with red paint.  The National police opened the criminal proceedings according to the Part 3, Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ( "Violation of citizens' equality based on race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability or other reasons").


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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