Acting Commander of the NGU Mykola Balan testified to the Italian court in defense of Vitalii Markiv

17.05.2019 10:24

May 2014, Lt. Gen. MykolaBalan was one of the commanders of the National Guards units at the ATO headquarters during the fighting with separatist militants in Sloviansk. At this time he organized the service of his subordinates, in particular the guards of the 1st Volunteer Reserve Battalion, where Vitalii Markov served.

MykolaBalan told the Italian court about the creation of the National Guard of Ukraine, its tasks and operations, in particular during the Slovianskliberation in May 2014. According to the Acting Commander of the National Guard, the unit, where Vitalii Markov served, performed tasks for the defense of a TV tower on Mount Karachun in Sloviansk.

"The fighters were armed with small arms and did not have heavy and long-range weapons which could deadly affected the Italian journalist Andrea Rockelli in May 24, 2014. In addition, the position where Vitalii Markov, in accordance with the command of his commander, carried the service had a sector of observation (in Andriivka) different from where the Italian photojournalist was killed (a railway crossing in front of the ceramic factory). This position was at that time held by separatist fighters led by Russian leader Girkin. From there, Ukrainian units in Karachun were constantly shelling ", - said MykolaBalan.

As a reminder, May 24, 2014 the Italian reporter Andrea Rockelli died from the shelling, being in the ATO zone despite the recommendation of the Italian Embassy not to go to Sloviansk at that time due to the high level of danger to civilians.

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