50 thousand hryvnias for the permission to hold sports competitions — the acting head of the OTG was detained in Kharkiv region
The official demanded an illegal benefit from a citizen. For the money, he promised to allow sports competitions in the territory of the community of one of the districts in Kharkiv region.
Yesterday, August 9, operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations in Kharkiv region with law enforcement colleagues detained the acting head of the AHs for a bribe. The man, through an intermediary, received the agreed amount of illegal benefit — UAH 50,000. The official is detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
His accomplice has already been informed of suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 368 (Solicitation and receipt by an official of illegal benefits) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In the near future, the suspicion will be reported to the acting head of the AHG.
Investigative and operational activities are currently underway. Law enforcement officers check the involvement in extortion and receipt of funds of other officials of the AHs. The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the investigators of the Kharkiv District Police Department No. 2 under the procedural leadership of the Nemyshlyansk District Prosecutor's Office of the city. Kharkov.
Department of Strategic Investigations
National Police of Ukraine