presentation of innovative security technologies and capabilities of video surveillance system

On Tuesday, July 7, there will be a presentation of innovative security technologies and capabilities of the video surveillance system on the example of the updated video surveillance system of the shopping mall “Lavina Mall”.

The main goal is to expand the “safe space” of citizens and improve the capabilities of video surveillance systems in the prevention and detection of crimes and offenses.

The implementation of this project is a good example of public-private cooperation and effective interaction of private business, city authorities and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine in cooperation on solving issues that contribute to improving the safety of Kyiv residents and guests of the city.

Video surveillance systems m. Kyiv Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Since December 2016, Kyiv has been using a comprehensive video surveillance system of the city of Kyiv “Safe Capital” in its official activities. The number of cameras put into operation is 6 thousand 237, of which external 2 thousand. 805 (SMART video cameras) are installed on city streets and bridges, 3 thousand 432 video cameras are installed on socio-cultural sites (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, museums, etc.). To date, the vehicle license plate recognition subsystem has 626 video cameras located on bridges across the Dnieper River, on Trukhanov Island, as well as in all 10 districts of the city. The system also includes 234 video cameras with face recognition function, located on the territory of the complex “Kyiv Pasazhyrsky”, NSC “Olimpiyskiy”, the central part of the city, as well as at all stations of the KP “Kyiv Metro”.

The event will be attended by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko, Chief of Police of Kyiv Andriy Kryshchenko, as well as representatives of the National Police of Ukraine and Kyiv City State Administration.

Venue: m. Kyiv, str. Berkovetskaya, 6-D (shopping center “Lavina Mall”).

Time: at 16:00. Media representatives are requested to arrive at 15:30.

Accreditation will take place via electronic form until 14:00 on July 07.

Be sure to have personal protective equipment with you!